
He refuses when ambergris comes to mind

يأبى إذا خطر العقيق بباله

1. He refuses when ambergris comes to mind
Except to shed tears copiously from his eyes

١. يَأبَى إذا خَطَرَ العقيقُ ببالِه
إلا اطَّراحَ العَذلِ من عُذَّالِه

2. He allotted tears to dwellings, knowing
That the best part of him was in those tears

٢. قَسَمَ الدّموعَ على المنازلِ عالماً
أنّ الجوى فيهِنَّ من أنذالِه

3. It is the sand dune which the hands of fate
Had toyed with, his member and his crescent

٣. وَهُوَ الكَثِيبُ تلاعَبت أيدي النَّوى
بكثيِبهِ وقضيبِه وهِلالِه

4. They went with it while a lustful glance
Darted among his cheeks and his sidelocks

٤. رَاحُوا به واللّحظُ يقدَحُ جُرأةً
فَيكُرُّ بين حُجولِه وحِجالِه

5. And longing scattered its tears on his cheek
So it flowed or ran down his chin

٥. والشَّوقُ ينثُرُ دمعَه في خَدِّهِ
فيقَرُّ أو يَجري على جِريالِه

6. O abode generosity left its beauty in
And so it went, on the backs of its camels

٦. يادارُ جادَ بها الفِراقُ جَمالَها
فغدا وراحَ على ظُهورِ جِمالِه

7. What is it with your camp, its meeting
Is not afforded to a lover except at its departure

٧. ما بالُ رِيمِكِ لا يُتاحُ لِقاؤُه
لمُحبِّه إلا غداةَ زِيالِه

8. So I was quenched, the camels went back
Having watered life, and I was quenched by his return

٨. فسُقِيتِ رَجعَ حُدوجِه وسقَى الحيا
محتلَّهُ وسُقيتُ عَودَ وِصالِه

9. And by a gentle song, it blamed me
Like the family of Chosroes, so I rejoiced as if I was one of them

٩. ورقيقةٍ كالآلِ نادمني بها
كِسرى فرُحتُ كأنَّني من آلِه

10. I will meet him either ruining his morning in it
Or protecting his fight

١٠. ألقَاه إمَّا حَاسِراً لصَبوحِه
فيها وإمَّا دارعاً لقِتالِه

11. And I see he escorted to us his cudgel
Held in his right hand and his left

١١. وأراه ساقَ لنا أداةَ شَمولِه
مجموعةً بيمينِه وشِمالِه

12. Or an archer when his drawing was complete
His purposes were not linked to his arrows

١٢. أو نابِلاً لمّا تَكامَلَ نَزعُه
لم تتَّصل أغراضُه بِنبالِه

13. Do I see him protect his arrow from throwing
Or did mercy prevent him from shooting it?

١٣. أتُراه صانَ عن الرَّمِيَّةِ سَهمَه
أم رأفةٌ مَنَعته عن إِرسالِه

14. An era whose features were mixed with his cudgel
And his shadows intermingled with his left side

١٤. عصرٌ مَزَجتُ شَمائلي بشَمولِه
وظِلالُه ممزوجةٌ بشَمالِه

15. Until I thought the roses were from his trees
A fragrance or the basil from its stems

١٥. حتَّى حَسِبتُ الوَردَ من أشجارِه
عَبِقاً أو الرَّيحانَ من آصالِه

16. As if when I wore his shadows
I became the vizier's neighbor wearing his shadows

١٦. وكأنيي لمّا ارتديتُ ظِلالَه
جارُ الوزيرِ المُرتدي بظِلالِه

17. The one who tied property on the day of his giving
And played the strings on the day of his fighting

١٧. الواترِ الأموالِ يومَ عَطائِه
والنافضِ الأوتارِ يومَ نِزالِه

18. A king whom kings fear, so he holds
His reins, or else dies by his sword

١٨. مَلِكٌ تُحاذرُه الملوكُ فمُمسِكٌ
بحبالِه أو هالكٌ بِصِيالِه

19. His wealth in peacetime is from its spoils
And their souls in war are from its spoils

١٩. أموالُه في السِّلمِ من أنفالِها
ونفوسُها في الحربِ من أنفالِه

20. Time polished so it returned in his days
Like the cold in its affliction and its polishing

٢٠. صُقِلَ الزمانُ فعادَ في أيامِه
كالبُردِ في تفويفِه وصِقالِه

21. If you long for doves then court them
Or if you choose life then be loyal to it

٢١. إن كنتَ تشتاقُ الحِمامَ فعادِه
أو كنتَ تختارُ الحياةَ فوالِه

22. He gives you what he gives his noble steeds
And young lions with sharp blades

٢٢. يُعطِيك ما يُعطيه كرُّ جيادِه
وشَبا أَسِنَّته وحَدُّ نِصالِه

23. He carried the spear so it shook in his shaker
Agitated by him and swayed in its swaying

٢٣. حملَ القنَا فاهتزَّ في مُهتزِّهِ
طرَباً له واختالَ في مُختالِه

24. So I see diminishment in the enemy's life
And increase in the friend's state

٢٤. فأَرى العدوَّ نقيصةً في عُمرهِ
وأرَى الصديقَ زيادةً في حالِه

25. With deeds of might against his enemies
And deeds of generosity with his wealth

٢٥. بوقائعٍ للبأسِ في أعدائه
ووقائعِ للجود في أمواله

26. They blamed him for gallantry, but who folds
The paths of his fight or blocks his way?

٢٦. عَذَلوه في الجَدوَى وَمن يَثنِي الحيا
أم من يَسُدُّ عليه طُرْقَ سِجالِه

27. His paternal and maternal uncles have become equal
In a heap that is no longer the peak of his maternal uncles

٢٧. متشابهُ الطَّرَفينِ أصبحَ عمُّه
في ذُورةٍ لم تَعْدُ ذُروةَ خالِه

28. An honor that lengthened the fish hook rope
Until it shaded and spread with its shade

٢٨. شرفٌ أطالَ قَنا المُهَلَّبِ سَمْكَه
حتَى أظلَّ وعمَّ في إظلالِه

29. So when the flowers of stars appeared around him
Their turbans were from the ends of his garment

٢٩. فإذا بدَت زُهْرُ الكواكبِ حولَه
كانَت عمائمُهنَّ من أذيالِه

30. Al-Mughira left and he was his noble one
And Qubaysa came and he was his hero

٣٠. راحَ المُغِيرةُ وهو من أجوادِه
وغَدا قُبَيصةُ وهو من أبطالِه

31. Al-Mughira left and he was his noble one
And Qubaysa came and he was his hero

٣١. راح المغيرة وهو من أجواده
وغدا قبيصة وهو من أبطاله

32. The chests of your spears glared at his chest
While people shared in sponsoring him

٣٢. غارَت صدورُ رِماحِكم بصُدورِه
والناسُ مشترِكون في أَكفالِه

33. As for forgiveness, its light smiled
After wilting, and the light of its lamps returned

٣٣. أما السَّماحُ فقد تبسَّمَ نَوْرُه
بعدَ الذّبولِ وعادَ نُورُ ذُبالِه

34. You released him from his shackles, healed him
From his illnesses, and opened his locks

٣٤. أطلقْتَ من أغلالِه وشَفَيتَ من
أَعلاِله وفتحتَ من أقفالِه

35. The minister has called to the wine of dew
Whoever was dependent on his palm trees

٣٥. إنَّ الوزيرَ دَعا إلى غَمرِ النَّدى
من كان موقوفاً على أوشالِه

36. I praise him with a praise that shook a garden
Whose torrents shook its trailing garments

٣٦. أُثني عليه ثناءَ رَوضً هَزَّه
سَيلُ الحيا فاهتزَّ في إسبالِه

37. And I say to the one seeking his glory
You are the noble one, not merely resembling him

٣٧. واقولُ للسَّاعي ليُدرِكَ شأوَه
أنتَ الجوادُ ولستَ من أشكالِه

38. His virtues are complete, so if someone
Increases after perfection, it increases his perfection

٣٨. كَمَلَتْ مَناقُبه فلو زادَ امرؤٌ
بعدَ الكمالِ لزادَ بعدَ كمالِه

39. And his manners have deserved my words
So I mixed the refined of it with the refined of him

٣٩. وغَدَت خَلائقُه أحَقَّ بمنطِقي
فمزَجتُ صفوَ زُلالِها بزُلالِه

40. I gift him what softened from his necklaces
And make permitted what softened from his chains

٤٠. أُهدي له ما رَقَّ من أفوافِه
وأُبيحُه ما رَقَّ من سَلسالِه

41. And some people say, you have excelled, but
The excellence of praise is from his excellence

٤١. ويقولُ لي قومٌ فَضَلْتَ وإنّما
فَضلُ الثَّناءِ عليهِ من إفضالِه

42. No praise to me if the pearl of my eulogy
Became a necklace after I had threaded its beads

٤٢. لا حمدَ لي إن راحَ دُرُّ مدائحي
عِقداً وقد فصَّلتُه بخِلالِه