
Troubles pass by and do not settle,

خطوب تجور ولا تعدل

1. Troubles pass by and do not settle,
And we have no refuge but them.

١. خُطوبٌ تَجورُ ولا تَعدُلُ
وليسَ لنا دونَها مَوئِلُ

2. Neither do we neglect their blame,
Nor do they neglect our oppression.

٢. فَلا نحنُ نَغفُلُ عن ذَمِّها
ولا هيَ عن ضَيمِنا تَغفُلُ

3. O Abu Al-Hasan, death has disputed you,
And it did not care for your like.

٣. أبَا الحَسَنِ اختَرَمَتك المنونُ
وكانت بمثلِك لا تَحفِلُ

4. How did it advance upon you,
While you are their lowest valley?

٤. وكيفَ تَخَطَّت إليك الورَى
وأنتَ حَضِيضُهمُ الأسفَلُ

5. I remembered when you were a shelter for us,
And we were your fortress and stronghold.

٥. تذكَّرتُ إذ أنتَ سِترٌ لَنا
وإذ نحنُ حِصنُك والمعقَلُ

6. When you had arrows,
Long and wooden tipped.

٦. وإذ لكَ من قَصَبٍ أسهُمٌ
طِوالٌ ومن خَشَبٍ مُنصُلُ

7. And when in the heat you did not become enfeebled,
Nor in the cold become weakened.

٧. وإذ أنتَ في القُرِّ لا تَصطلي
نَشاطاً وفي الحَرِّ لا تَفْشَلُ

8. You go straight on continuously,
Pure as the disturbed stream.

٨. تُباكِرُ مُطَّرَداً مَتُنه
نقيّاً كما اضطربَ الجَدولُ

9. And above your head a melodious call,
Loud as the warbling of the bulbul.

٩. ومِن فوقِ رأسِك غِرِّيدةٌ
صَدُوحٌ كما صَدَحَ البُلبُلُ

10. Your right hand you send swiftly
A messenger, and your left hand receives him.

١٠. ويُمناك تَبْعَثُ في سُرْعةٍ
رَسولاً بيُسراك يُستَقبلُ

11. Your legs, one climbs up
High, and one descends down.

١١. ورِجلاك تَصعَدُ إحداهما
فَواقاً وإحداهما تَنزِلُ

12. As if you never folded the banner,
In your home's land to be used.

١٢. كأنَّكَ لم تَطوِ مَنشورةً
على أرضِ بَيتك تُستَعملُ

13. And did not inherit, when the elder passed away,
Sheep to be tied with ropes.

١٣. ولم ترثِ للشَّيخِ لمَّا مضَى
يَراعاً تُناطُ بهِ الأَحبُلُ

14. And a polished sword, its edge in war
Like a crescent, and its bearer most valiant.

١٤. ومرهفةٍ حدُّها في الوغَى
كَهَامٌ وحاملُها أعزَلُ

15. It is disgraced if made like its likes,
For it is not to be preserved or polished.

١٥. تُهانُ إذا صِينَ أَشباهُها
فلَيسَت تُصانُ ولا تُصقَلُ

16. The cupbearer had his fill, and if he could
The roses, the pots, and the poured out would weep.

١٦. فطالَ النَّديمُ ولو يَستطِيعُ
بكَى الوَردُ والدَّنُ والمِبذَلُ

17. And you used to see him working
In the morning as he does.

١٧. وكُنتَ تُشاهِدُه فاعلاً
غَداةَ الصَّبوحِ كما يَفعَلُ

18. I say, and your bier above the necks
As the likes of you the assembly honors.

١٨. أقولُ ونَعْشُكَ فَوقَ الرِّقابِ
بمثلِك يَحتَفِلُ المَحْفِلُ

19. You have filled the new clothes you wore,
So you still walk about proudly.

١٩. تَمَلَّ الجديدَ الذي شِنتَه
فمازِلتَ في خَلَقٍ تَرفُلُ

20. And your wealth poured forth to one who
Dawns upon him a rain that flows.

٢٠. وجادَت ثَراكَ على بُخلِ من
يَحِلُّ به ديمةٌ تَهطِلُ

21. For you are from a people whose nobility
Is old, and their faith is first.

٢١. فإنَّك مِن معشرٍ فضلًهم
قديمٌ وإيمانًهم أوَّلُ

22. They have, by craft, not lineage,
A shelter over others spread out.

٢٢. لَهم بالصناعةِ لا بِالصَّنِي
عِ سِترٌ على غيرهِم مُسْبَلُ