
Between the red tents and veils

بين الشنوف الحمر والأقراط

1. Between the red tents and veils
Languid steeds of droopy eyelids arrived

١. بَين الشُّنوفِ الحُمْرِ والأَقراطِ
أجيادُ فاترةِ الجُفونِ عَوَاطي

2. Drunkenness of youth intoxicated us
The tipsiness of slender waists bent

٢. وصلَتْ بنا سُكرَ الصَّبابَةِ وانثَنَتْ
سَكرى القُدودِ نَحائِفَ الأَوساطُ

3. And fruits of their breasts rose above their bodies
So I was deprived of touching beautiful figures and places

٣. وعَلَتْ ثِمارُ صُدورِها أجسادَها
فحُرِمْنَ مَسَّ مَجاسِدٍ ورِياطِ

4. Oh house I would water it with tears and it accepts
So I made its watering conditional on conditions

٤. يا دار أسقيها الدمع وهي رضا لها
فشرطت سقياها على الأشراط

5. I do not accept watering it with tears even if it pleases it
So I made its watering conditional on conditions

٥. لم أَرْضَ سُقيا الدَّمْعِ وهو رِضىً لها
فشَرَطْتُ سُقياها على الأَشراطِ

6. Passion deceived me with its necklaces and showed me
With luxurious chitchat and a generous host

٦. ولقد تُسلِّفُني الجَوى وتُرينَه
بِسَوالفِ الرَّشإِ الأَحَمِّ العاطي

7. And figured ivory dotted
With musk not attributed to a carver

٧. وحِقاقِ عاجٍ نُقِّطَتْ أطرافُها
بالمِسْكِ لم تُنْسَبْ إلى خَرَّاطِ

8. And a bejeweled one that has no dawn in its darkness
Except the radiance of hair partings

٨. ومُرَجَّلٍ لا صُبحَ في ظُلُماتِه
إلا حلمة الأمشاطِ

9. Whose chains were polished and broken
By fingers like clay seals

٩. صُقِلَتْ سَلاسِلُهُ وكُسِّرَتْ
بأناملٍ مثلِ اللُّجينِ سِباطِ

10. Days when the heedless heart exceeded limits in passion
However it wished of ravage and excess

١٠. أيَّامَ للقلبِ المُفَرِّطِ في الصِّبا
ما شاءَ من فَتْكٍ ومن إِفراطِ

11. For my flirtation and carelessness with coquettes
And my rise to temptation and activity

١١. إذ للعواذلِ غَفلَتي وتماسُلي
وإلى الغَوايَةِ نَهضَتي وَنَشاطي

12. I swagger between chirping and blossoms
And wander between carpets and cushions

١٢. أختالُ بينُ جآذِرٍ ومَزاهِرٍ
وأرودُ بين دساكِرٍ وَبَواطِي

13. And the garden has spread its themes
As if they are wondrous themes

١٣. والرَّوْضُ قد نشرَ الحَيا أنماطَه
فكأنَّهُنَ غَرائبُ الأنماطِ

14. Why did time assault our nobles
So you weakened and overlooked the Nabataeans

١٤. ما للزَّمانِ سطَا على أشرافِنا
فُتخُرِّموا وعَفا عن الأَنباطِ

15. Is it enmity towards the eminent or determination
That fell so it inclined towards the lowly

١٥. أَعداوَةٌ لذوي العُلى أَم هِمَّةٌ
سَقَطَتْ فمالَ بها إلى السُّقَّاطِ

16. The necks of the enemies submitted when they saw
Their captives passing under my whips

١٦. خضَعَتْ رِقابُ بَني العَداوَةِ إذ رَأَتْ
آسارَها يتعد تحتَ سياطي

17. Until when they retreated on their heels
The messenger approached me from Damascus

١٧. حتى إذا نَكَصَتْ على أعقابِها
دَلَفَ النَّبيطُ إليَّ من شِمْشاطِ

18. The teacher spoke the truth that he is from a family
Of Arabs led by the Beni Sumbat

١٨. صَدَقَ المعلِّمُ أنه من أسرَةٍ
عربٍ يَسُوسُهُمُ بنو سُنباطِ

19. Your fathers were nobles except they were
Nobles of apes, pigs, and mongrels

١٩. آباؤُكَ الأشرافُ إلا أنهم
أشرافُ موشَ وشاطحٍ وخِلاطِ

20. A lineage whose unfurling reveals your descent
Like a garment you unfold to expose rags

٢٠. نَسَبٌ يُبَيِّنُ عن سُقوطِكَ نَشرُه
كالثَّوْبِ تَنشُرُهُ عن الأسفاطِ

21. If you were, O son of the most wicked two, to a sensible one
Your support would not deter you from the most despicable man

٢١. لو كنت يا ابن الأخبثين لرشدة
لم تزو ودك عن أبي الأسباط

22. Damiyah, the Qurayshite, weaned you while restrained
She discarded you fearfully without swaddling

٢٢. ثَكِلَتْكَ داميَةُ القَرا مجلودَةٌ
نَبَذَتْكَ خائِفَةً بغَيِر قِماطِ

23. She rushed so she did not wrap you in coarse wool
And entrusted you to the safekeeping of a careful Muslim

٢٣. عَجِلَتْ فلم تَخْتَطْ عليكَ من الرَّدى
ورَجَتْ حِياطَةَ مُسلمٍ مُحتاطِ

24. I saw a beautiful one whose door the troops of adultery and homosexuality knocked
And I picked a blossoming one but did not find

٢٤. شاهدتها حسناء يقرع بابها
للخسر وفد زنا ووفد لواط

25. Fruits like her breasts when the plucker plucks
A young woman who gives leadership to a friend

٢٥. ولقطت يانعة الثمار فلم أجد
كثمار دوحتها أوان لقاط

26. And spits on the dust of her transgressing enemy
People's morals have dried up so their bodies are not known

٢٦. بنوية تعطي الصديق قيادها
وتفل غرب عدوها المتعاطي

27. Except the morals of those who hold whips
You have forgotten an era when leadership was for you that did not cease

٢٧. جَفَتِ الخَلوقَ فليسَ يَعرِفُ جسمُها
إلا خَلوقَ مواقعِ الأَسواطِ

28. To accompany you like the wage of every promiscuous tattooed one
In Manzil Biqhab your frequented house

٢٨. أنسيت عصر قيادة لك لم تزل
تحذوك أجرة كل زان خاطي

29. Where fetuses of the despised are buried
So you committed incest with your sister in protection

٢٩. في منزل بقحاب بيتك عامر
يدفن فيه أجنة الأسقاط

30. And with your mother through it undeniably
And when you lift your behind off their hands

٣٠. فتناك أختك في حماه بدانق
وتناك أمك فيه بالقيراط

31. Their word to you, O teacher, is despicable
The world was once easy on you

٣١. وإذا رفعت قفاك عن أيديهم
فمقالهم لك يا معلم طاطي

32. But today it has become deadly poison for a tailor
You have angered me though the livelihood of sin is sweet

٣٢. قد كانَتِ الدُّنيا عليكَ فَسيحَةً
فاليومَ أضحَتْ وهي سُمُّ خِياطِ

33. So you have harvested the bitterest life from my anger
And you knew when you burdened yourself with my limits

٣٣. أَسْخَطْتَني وجناةُ عَيشِك حُلوَةٌ
فجنَيْتَ مُرَّ العَيْشِ من إسخاطي

34. That hopes are distant hopes
Do you expect me while my status is the zenith

٣٤. وعَلِمْتَ إذ كلَّفْتَ نفسَك غايَتي
أنَّ الرِّياحَ بعيدةُ الأشواطِ

35. Nobility between the two honorable lines
After the great sat in my council

٣٥. أَتَرومُني وعلى السِّماكِ مَحلَّتي
شَرَفاً وبينَ الفرقَدَيْنِ صِراطي

36. I sat between a leader and eminent
And the swords of my speech have become famous

٣٦. من بَعْدِ ما رَفَعَ الأكابرُ مَجلِسي
فجلَسْتُ بين مُؤَمَّرٍ وَسِماطِ

37. Shaking Iraq and Fustat
And I have lowered the status of the enemy with words

٣٧. وغَدَتْ صوارِمُ مَنْطِقي مشهورةً
بينَ العِراقِ تُهَزُّ والفُسطاطِ

38. Like the claws of beasts tearing rags
Far from you is the pain of joints

٣٨. وحَطَطْتُ مَنزِلَةَ العَدُوِّ بِمِقْوَلٍ
كشَبا الأَسِنَّةِ رافعٍ حَطَّاطِ

39. And wounds of hearts and pulling of pulp
Your ignorance of poetry has deluded you

٣٩. هيهاتَ دونُ مُنَاكَ حَزُّ مَفاصِلٍ
وجِراحُ أفئِدَةٍ ونَزعُ نِياطِ

40. Until you were shredded by an unsheathed claw
And you have tried claims for yourself that revealed

٤٠. أَغراكَ جَهلُكَ بالقَريضِ وَرَثِّهِ
حتَّى انتحَاكَ بِمخلَبٍ عطّاطِ

41. A deep sea of deception and distant shores
I have seen your knowledge as inferior and carving

٤١. وقد امتحنْتَ دَعاوِياً لكَ بيَّنَتْ
عن بَحْرِ تَمويهٍ بَعيدِ الشاطي

42. And found your luck from rags and patches
And it has become a strange blemish on your honor

٤٢. فرأيتُ عِلمَكَ من خَراً وخَراطَةٍ
ووَجَدْتُ سَعدَكَ من فُسا وضِراطِ

43. A sign like you have marked a Coptic garment
The little fortune of goodness and abundant worries

٤٣. وغَريبَةٍ أضحَتْ لعِرْضِكَ شامةً
عَلَماً كما أعلمتَ ثَوبَ قِباطي

44. Have left you with scarce shares
Speech you see as scattered scorpions

٤٤. ترَكَتْكَ نَزرَ القِسْطِ من طيبِ الكَرى
ومِنَ الهُمومِ مُوفَّرَ الأَقساطِ

45. And others see as essence of rags
So be patient for shredding the despicable one and whoever

٤٥. لَفْظٌ تَراه عَقارِباً مبثوثةً
ويَراهُ غيرُكَ جَوهَرَ الأَسفاطِ

46. The sword has protected, leave him to the cleaver
Tell those hastening to his aid

٤٦. فاصبُرْ لتَقطيعِ القَذالِ ومَنْ أَصُنْ
عنه الحُسامَ أَدَعْهُ للمِشراطِ

47. The hastening of moths to the lamp of death
I will resume elaborating on your honors

٤٧. قُلْ للغُواةِ المُسرِعينَ لِنَصْرهِ
إسراعَ وارِدَةِ القَطا الفُرَّاطِ

48. And injustice is the best carpet for fools
Experience their flashes of illusion and deduce

٤٨. سأعيدُ بسطَ القولِ في أعراضِكم
والجَوْرُ للسُّفهاءِ خيرُ بساطِ

49. The water of demise however deduced
A farmer of a field and a fool of a beard

٤٩. شامُوا بَوارِق َحَيْنِهم واستنبطوا
ماءَ المَنِيَّةِ أَيَّما استِنْباطِ

50. And a teacher inclined to a tailor
If the plagiarizer of poetry was limited, they would exceed

٥٠. حُرَّاثُ مَزْرَعَةٍ وأحمَقُ لِحيَةٍ
ومُعَلِّمٌ يُنْمى إلى خيَّاطِ

51. The limit or be cut off from the prepuces
Refrain for I do not expose lineage that

٥١. لو حُدَّ مُنْتَهِبُ القَريضِ تجاوَزوا
في الحَدِّ أو قُطعوا منَ الآباطِ

52. Has no mixing with the riffraff

٥٢. كُفُّوا فلستُ أُعَرِّضُ الحَسَبَ الذي
لا خِلْطَ فيه لمَعْشَرٍ أَخلاطِ