
Does the minister, may God prolong his rule,

هل للوزير أدام الله دولته

1. Does the minister, may God prolong his rule,
Have a companion seeking counsel from his friends?

١. هَل للوزيرِ أدامَ اللهُ دولتَه
في صاحب ٍيتحرَّى نُصْحَ مَنْ صَحِبا

2. One knowledgeable in the disciplines of poetry, critiquing it
Like money-changers appraise coins and gold?

٢. وعارفٍ بفنونِ الشِّعرِ يَنقُدُها
نَقْدَ الصيَّارِفَةِ الأوراقَ والذَّهَبا

3. Intellect visited him one day and nearly
Lit a fire in his clothes.

٣. طافَ الذكاءُ به يوماً يكلِّفُهُ
فكادَ يُضرِمُ في أثوابِه اللَّهَبَا

4. If only his companion would task him one day
With the weight of mountains, if he counts it tiring.

٤. لو أنّ صاحِبَه يوماً يكلِّفُه
ثِقْلَ الجِبالِ إذا ما عدَّه تَعِبا

5. So take what pleases you of his benevolence,
Even if it denies the thirsty and famished their wants.

٥. فَخُذْهُ يَرْضَ الذي تُوليه من حَسَنٍ
ولو نفى الأصفرَين الظَّمْأ والسَّغَبا