1. A moon that encompasses all beauties
So every described beauty is attributed to it
١. قَمَرٌ تَفَرَّدَ بالمَحاسِنِ كلِّها
فإليه يُنسَبُ كلُّ حُسْنٍ يُوصَفُ
2. Its forehead is the dawn and its profile is the night
Its figure is a fresh, aromatic branch
٢. فَجَبِينُهُ صُبْحٌ وطُرَّتُه دُجىً
وقَوامُه غُصْنٌ رطيبٌ أهيَفُ
3. What a face, by God! How wonderfully composed
Of marvels never before composed
٣. للهِ ذاك الوجهُ كيفَ تألَّفَتْ
فيه بدائِعُ لم تكنْ تَتألَّفُ
4. A rose tinted by shyness and a narcissus
That frowns when blame goes on for too long
٤. وَرْدٌ يُعَصْفِرُهُ الحَياءُ ونَرْجِسٌ
يُغْضي إذا طالَ العِتابُ ويُطْرَفُ