1. We make peace with this life though it wages war against us,
And we complain though complaining is the nature of days.
١. نسالمُ هذا الدهرَ وهو لنا حَرْبُ
ونعتُبُ والأيامُ شيمَتُها العَتْبُ
2. We seek to make peace with misfortunes, yet our own souls
Have never ceased from making complaints.
٢. ونَخطُبُ صُلحَ النَّائباتِ ولم يزَل
لأنفسِنا من خَطْبِها أبداً خَطْبُ
3. Its steeds and swords threaten us,
Yet neither can prevail nor these withdraw.
٣. تَهُمُّ بنا أفراسُها وسيوفُها
فلا هذه تَكبو ولا هذه تَنبو
4. We thought lofty homes and spear straight
Were like fortresses when shaken by war.
٤. وكنا نعُدُّ المَشرفيَّةَ والقَنا
حصوناً إذا هزَّت مضاربَها الحربُ
5. But when fate passed its decree their chanting was little;
Neither their zebras nor their onagers crossed the limit.
٥. فلما مَضى المِقدارُ قلَّ غناؤها
فلم يمضِ حَدٌّ من ظُباها ولا غَرْبُ
6. This life has been clad in the mail of that which we attempt against it
While it is naked to that which we fear and avoid.
٦. تبلَّدَ هذا الدهرُ فيما نرومُه
على أنَّه فيما نحاذرُه نَدْبُ
7. The course of what one hopes for is the course of a led beast,
And the course of what one fears its onslaughts is a wolf's leap.
٧. فسَيْرُ الذي يرجوه سَيْرُ مُقيَّدٍ
وسيرُ الذي يَخشى غوائلَه وَثْبُ
8. When misfortunes surprise us with death and destruction,
We have no equal but the noble side of death.
٨. إذا فاجأتْنا الحادثاتُ بمصرَعٍ
فليس سِوى الجَنْبِ الكريمِ لنا جَنْبُ
9. So help the prince Taghlib and his folk
Whom the overpowering fate has abandoned!
٩. فعَزِّ الأميرَ التَّغِلِبيَّ ورهطَه
بمن غَرَبَتْ عنه الغَطارفَةُ الغُلْبُ
10. With a mistress whose works the lands universally witness
So that non-Arabs and Arabs tell of her favor,
١٠. بسِّيدَةٍ عمَّت صنَائِعُها الوَرَى
فأعربَ عن معروفِها العُجْمُ والعُرْبُ
11. The most noble of women in deeds, one whose like
Whether the women of East or West be counted, exists not.
١١. ومُشرِفَةِ الأفعالِ لم يَحوِ مثَلها
إذا عُدِّدَ النِّسوانُ شرقٌ ولا غَربُ
12. Men's hearts were alike in sadness when she died
As though the hearts of men at her death were one heart.
١٢. تَساوَتْ قلوبُ الناسِ في الحُزْنِ إذ ثَوَتْ
كأنَّ قلوبَ الناسِ في موتِها قَلْبُ
13. The flat lands of earth as well as its rough parts
Were confounded when the former received her.
١٣. وكانَتْ سهولُ الأرضِ دونَ هِضابِها
فلما حَواها السَّهلُ ذَلَّ له الصَّعبُ
14. If those whom the earth covers have a tomb,
Then Mary's is apart from other women's.
١٤. فإن كانَ فيمن غَيَّبَ التُّرْبُ تِربُها
فمريمُ من دونِ النساءِ لها تِربُ
15. Happy the water of Muzn! Would that her belly
Were for its draft when it flows full without check!
١٥. وطُوبى لماءِ المُزنِ لو أنَّ ظهرَها
لرَيَّقِه ما فاضَ رَيِّقُه السَّكبُ
16. I swear were a handful of earth added to musk
The musk for it would be the sweeter of the two.
١٦. وأقسِمُ لو زادَتْ على المِسكِ تُربةٌ
لزادَ على المِسكِ الذكيِّ بها التُّربُ
17. Her virtues make praise penetration as though
The praises of the virtuous were because of their fairness, booty.
١٧. فضائلُ يُنفِذنَ الثَّناءَ كأنما
ثَناءُ ذواتِ الفضلِ من حُسنِها ثَلْبُ
18. She dwelt among a people of Jonah's folk a group
Who loved with a soul untouched by sorrow.
١٨. لقد جاورَت من قومِ يُونُسَ مَعْشراً
أحبَّت بروحٍ لا يجاورُه كَرْبُ
19. So those resting places were cooled by them.
And that light rose in them, nor does it set.
١٩. فقد بردَت تلك المضاجعُ منهم
فأشرقَ ذاك النُّورُ فيها فما يخبو
20. By God whatever earth covers of her chastity,
And whatever veils concealed of her purity!
٢٠. فللهِ ما ضَمَّ الثَّرى من عَفافِها
وما حَجَبْتها من طهارتِها الحُجُبُ
21. Though Wadi l-Hisn be wide, yet its meadow sufficed
For the noted man of plenty, the obtainer of breadth.
٢١. لَئِن كان وادي الحُصنِ رحباً لقد ثوى
بعَرصَتِه المعروفُ والنائلُ الرَّحبُ
22. And if its running water is fresh or its flowery places blossom,
Still bounty has always filled its hollows and inch by inch its herbage.
٢٢. وإن عَذُبَتْ رَيَّاه أو طابَ نَشرُه
فقد مَلَّ في بطحائها الكرَمُ العَذْبُ
23. I am amazed that one like her should be confined in it
With no arrogance or pride, neither in him nor in it.
٢٣. عَجِبْتُ له أنّي تضمَّنَ مثلَها
ولا كِبَرٌ يَعروه ذاك ولا عُجْبُ
24. Had its meadows known whom they confined
They would have aspired, and its paths boasted.
٢٤. ولو عَلِمَت بطحاؤُّه ما تضمَّنَت
تطاولَتِ البطحاءُ وافتخرَ الشَّعبُ
25. Guarded women are degraded before her
And bare legs and feet walk around her.
٢٥. تُذالُ مصوناتُ الدموعِ إزاءَها
وتَمشي حُفاةً حولَها الرَّجْلُ والرَّكْبُ
26. Never does the meadow's moisture cease from the dripping dew,
As though the dripping upon it were implanted pearls.
٢٦. فلا زالَ رَطْبُ الرَّوضِ من رَيِّقِ النَّدى
كأنَّ النَّدى من فوقِه الُّلؤلُّؤ الرَّطْبُ
27. O Taghlib, show patience, and you have always been patient,
When a firm knot or plaited tress comes loose.
٢٧. أبا تغلِبٌ صبراً وما زلتَ صابراً
إذا زَلَّ حَزمٌ ثابتٌ أو هَفا لُبُّ
28. For from you has issued lions of valor,
And how many promisers among men have no tomorrow!
٢٨. فقد أعقبَتْ منكم أُسودَ شجاعةٍ
وكم مُعقبٍ في الناسِ ليسَ له عُقْبُ
29. You are the lofty palm trees of bounty,
Nor have their bases quaked however great the disaster.
٢٩. وأنتم جَنابُ المكرُماتِ ولم يكن
لتهفو رواسيها وإن عَظُمَ الخَطْبُ
30. Every live rain cloud has you for its pourers,
And every mill of war has you for its pivot.
٣٠. فكلُّ حياً للجودِ أنتم سَحابُه
وكلُّ رحىً للحربِ أنتم لها قُطبُ
31. Had it been other than the pigeons you poured down on them
A cloud whose drippings were piercing and striking.
٣١. ولو أنه غيرُ الحمامِ صَببتُم
عليه سَحاباً قَطْرُهُ الطَّعنُ والضَّربُ
32. I see your land has become a heaven through your glory.
So you are its suns, its moons, and its shooting stars.
٣٢. أرى أرضَكم أضحتْ سماءً بعزِّكم
فأنتم لها الأقمارُ والأنجمُ الشُّهبُ
33. Your enemies die before your swords flash.
And fear of you destroys them before your war.
٣٣. تموتُ عِداكم قبلَ سَلِّ سيوفِكم
ويَفنيهِمُ من قبلِ حَربِكمُ الرُّعبُ
34. How should war afflict you when it is by your command
That fates advance and striking goes forward?
٣٤. وكيفَ تنالُ الحربُ منكم وإنما
بأمركم تمضي العواملُ والضَّربُ
35. When you register the foe as booty,
Your horses are likened to them, so the registering fails.
٣٥. إذا أنتَ كاتبتَ العِدا مُثِّلت لها
ظُباكَ فنابت عن كتائِبك الكُتْبُ
36. The Taghlibi prince summoned us to the dew,
And we are the drinking of it while he is the drink.
٣٦. دعانا الأميرُ التغلبيُّ إلى النَّدى
فنحن له شَرْبُ النَّدى وهو الشُّربُ
37. We share days whose virginity is enmity to him
While the company of the days of youth is joy.
٣٧. نصاحبُ أياماً له عَدَوِيَّةً
محاسنُ أيامِ الشبابِ لها صَحْبُ
38. He is a rain whose attainment has reached the lofty horizon
Until remoteness and nearness were equally balanced for him.
٣٨. هو الغيثُ نال الخافقَينِ نوالُه
إلى أن تساوَى عندَه البُعْدُ والقُرْبُ
39. He visits the dew's visitors repeatedly
While they enjoy life, but his visitors never fail.
٣٩. يزورُ النَّدى زُوَّارَه متواتراً
عليهم وزُوّارُ الحَيا أبداً غِبُّ
40. Let his enemies refrain, for your share,
If you aim for his goal, is fatigue.
٤٠. أأعداءَه كفُّوا فإنَّ نصيبَكم
إذا رمتُمُ إدراكَ غايتِه النَّصْبُ
41. No blame lies on a sea that went heavily laden
If the wishers of its shores drew no sweet water.
٤١. وليس على البحر الذي راح زاخرا
ملام إذا لم ترو ورادها القلب
42. Can the sweetness of water equal its brine?
Can fertility in earth rival barrenness?
٤٢. وهل يستوي عذْبُ المياهِ ومِلحُها
وهل يتكافا الخِصبُ في الأرضِ والجَدبُ
43. If people are impotent or their flaws appear,
No blame lies with him whose merit shows.
٤٣. فإن عَجِزَ الأقوامُ أو بانَ نقصُهم
فليس لمن بانَتْ فضيلتُه ذَنبُ
44. I saw you as unripe for poetry, and none
Could compose it but one skilled, one ripe.
٤٤. رأيتُكَ طِبّاً للقريضِ ولم يكن
ليَنظِمَه إلا الخبيرُ به الطِّبُّ
45. I needs must complain to you of darkness
And a raid of raiders whose nature is wrath,
٤٥. ولا بدَّ أن أشكو إليك ظُلامةً
وغارةَ مِغوارٍ سجيَّتُه الغَضْبُ
46. Who fancies my poetry a people of Salih
Promised destruction with the Eternal overthrowing it.
٤٦. تخيَّلَ شِعري أنه قَومُ صالحٍ
هلاكاً وأن الخالديَّ له السَّقْبُ
47. It pastured amid meadows belonging to it
Where neither the tithe collector nor nobles pastured.
٤٧. رعَى بين أعطانٍ له ومَسارحٍ
ولم تَرْعَ فيهنَّ العِشارُ ولا النُّجبُ
48. It was blossoming orchards that grew turbid.
Their watering places turned yellow, and the grass in its soil faded.
٤٨. وكان رياضاً غضَّةً فتكدَّرَتْ
موارِدُها واصفرَّ في تُربها العُشبُ
49. Their fine clothes were driven to the fowler's snares,
And their jewels were stripped off by the cheating cheats.
٤٩. يُسَاقُ إلى الهُجْنِ المَقَارِفِ حَلْيُهُ
وَتُسْلَبُهُ الغُرُّ المحجَّلةُ القُبُّ
50. I am robbed of its silver cloth and necklaces.
Its cloth is a swindle, and its pearls are plunder.
٥٠. غُصِبْتُ على ديباجِه وعُقودِه
فديباجُه غَصبٌ وجوهرُه نَهبُ
51. Its untouched virginity is widely spent,
And its secluded places of refuge were startled like antelopes.
٥١. وأبكارُها شَتَّى أذيلَ مَصونُها
وريعَت عَذارها كما رُوِّع السِّربُ
52. Baring you of loincloth and cloak,
Things unworthy of being stripped by force.
٥٢. يعرِّيكُمُ من عَصبِه وبُرودِه
عصائبَ شَتَّى لا يَليقُ بها الغَصبُ
53. If my antelope flock rebels or evades its duty
And warding it off avails me naught,
٥٣. فإن رِيعَ سِربي أو تُمرِّدَ دونَه
ولم يُنجِني منه الحمايةُ والذَّبُّ
54. I have here a humiliation of the foe that degrades him
When his traits of character become diverse.
٥٤. فعندي هِناءٌ للعدوِّ يُهِينُه
إذا اختلفتْ منه خلائقُه الجُربُ
55. So that whenever I uttered poetry,
The pencils of the mounted warriors creaked, or the camels sang.
٥٥. فكنتُ إذا ما قلتُ شِعْراً حدَت به
حُداةُ المطايا أو تغنَّت به الشَّربُ