
O Abu Ishaq, God has increased

يا أبا إسحاق زاد الله

1. O Abu Ishaq, God has increased
His goodness in your good fortune

١. يا أبا إسْحَاقَ زادَ ال
لهُ في حُسْنِ حُبورِكْ

2. And your affairs have become anxious
After a long time of your happiness

٢. وغَدا شانيك ذا هَمْ
مٍ طويلٍ بِسُرورِكْ

3. May God make eternal, with freshness
The doors of your houses

٣. عمَّرَ اللهُ بِطُلاَّ
بِ النَّدى أبوابَ دُورِكْ

4. The days have dawned and their dawning
Is only through your light

٤. أَشرَقَ الدَّهرُ وما إش
راقُه إلاَّ بِنُورِكْ

5. And I see the days cannot
Bring forth except your like

٥. وأرى الأيامَ لا تَبْ
خَلُ إلاَّ بَنظيرِكْ

6. I said to the envious, "Have patience"
When he intended to obtain your equal

٦. قلتُ للحاسِدِ صبرا
إذ نوَى نَيلَ صَبيرِكْ

7. You are a downpour for my friends
And a lion for your opponents

٧. أنتَ غَيْثٌ لموالي
كَ ولَيثٌ لمُثيرِكْ

8. So people in the cold of your roots
Or the heat of your resplendent deeds

٨. فالوَرى في بَرْدِ آصا
لِكَ أو حَرِّ هَجيرِكْ

9. Do not awaken to your greatness
Unlike your expert scholar

٩. لا يُنَبِّي عن مَعالي
كَ الورى مثلُ خبيرِكْ

10. You have tightened your belt
Over it, early in the morning and late

١٠. شِدْتَ عَلياكَ بتَغلي
سِك فيها وبُكورِكْ

11. Appearing praiseworthy, pointing
To your distant glorious peak

١١. ظاهراً للحمدِ تُنبي
هِ على بُعْدِ ظَهيرِكْ

12. However much you have bared your words
They have sufficed, without your males

١٢. كَيْفَمَا جرَّدْتَ أقلا
مَكَ أغنَتْ عن ذُكورِكْ

13. It is as if time has spread out
What is between your lines

١٣. فكأنَّ الدَّهرَ قد سَطْ
رَ ما بينَ سُطورِكْ

14. Innovations from which the eye drinks
In the still of your shining sea

١٤. بِدَعٌ ترتَعُ منها ال
عينُ في وَشْيِ حَبيرِكْ

15. It suffices us from your generosity, the wine
And from the outpouring of your oceans

١٥. حسْبُنا من جُودِكَ الغَم
رِ ومن فَيضِ بُحورِكْ

16. There has come to us from it what has increased
Above gratitude for your gratitude

١٦. قد أتانا منه ما زا
دَ على شُكْرِ شُكورِكْ

17. Between the yellow from your gold pieces
Or the yellow of your wine

١٧. بينَ صُفْرٍ من دناني
رِكَ أو صُفرِ خُمورِكْ

18. So intercede with propriety, with propriety
That you accept from your incense

١٨. فاشفَعِ العُرْفَ بِعَرْفٍ
تَرتضيه من بَخُورِكْ

19. And remain not falling short of the direction
Of your palace, from the scent of your lodgings

١٩. وَابْقَ لا أَقصرَ صوبُ ال
مُزْنِ عن فِيحِ قُصورِكْ