1. He competes with me in poetry, though poetry is dead,
An envious fool, far from my goal, stubbornly misled.
١. يُنافسُني في الشِّعْرِ والشِّعرُ كاسدُ
حَسودٌ كَبا عن غايتي ومُعانِدُ
2. And every idiot, if his nonsense could take form,
Would make hellfire seem cool, though it was cold instead.
٢. وكلُّ غَبيٍّ لو يُباشِرُ بَرْدُهُ
لظَى النَّارِ أضحَى حرَّها وهو بارِدُ
3. Ask them about what's ahead, and they play deaf and dumb,
As if, when asked, they're suddenly statues made of lead.
٣. إذا سُئِلُوا عمَّا يَلوحُ تبلَّدوا
كأنَّهمُ عندَ السُؤالِ جَلامِدُ
4. They shake their sleeves as if they held black snakes inside,
With hands that clutch dark serpents that fill them with dread.
٤. قِيامٌ يَهُزُّونَ النُّسوعَ كأنَّما
بأيديهمُ حيَّاتُ رَمْلٍ أساوِدُ
5. A child's wit dies in their midst - how can a branch thrive
When the root itself is rotten, diseased, and near dead?
٥. يَموتُ ذَكاءُ الطِّفْلِ ما دامَ عندَهُمْ
وكيفَ صَلاحُ الفَرْعِ والأصلُ فاسِدُ
6. Awake! No teacher awards a degree to fools.
Does Mercury himself take idiots under his stead?
٦. أَفيقُوا فلن يُعطى القريضَ مُعلِّمٌ
وهل يتولَّى الأغبياءَ عطاردُ
7. So give no honors or garlands to one such as he,
For laurels are not meant for weeds that should be weeded.
٧. فلا تمنحوا منه الكرامَ قلائداً
فليسَ من الحَصباءِ تُهدَى القَلائِدُ