
The misfortunes have turned away from me because of him, and were it not for

عفت عني الخطوب به ولولا

1. The misfortunes have turned away from me because of him, and were it not for
His hands, I would have fallen into ruin.

١. عفَتْ عني الخطوبُ به ولولا
أياديه لَصِرتُ إلى العَفاءِ

2. I see the days plotting against me with cunning,
Which falls short in their view of women's cunning.

٢. أرى الأيامَ تقصِدُني بكيدٍ
يقصِّرُ عنده كيدُ النِّساءِ

3. And I have no arms against an enemy when
He assaults me with courage and cunning.

٣. وما لي بالعدوِّ يدٌ إذا ما
رماني بالشجاعةِ والدَّهاءِ

4. I've had enough of troubles, every severe misfortune
Of fierce aggression and hated encounter.

٤. كُفِيتُ من الحوادثِ كلَّ خطبٍ
شديدِ البطشِ مكروهِ اللِّقاءِ

5. So my contentment has not uncovered its mask for it,
Nor has my shyness filled life with boredom for it.

٥. فما كشفَ القناعَ له قنوعي
ولا ملَّ الحياةَ له حيائي