1. You asked God for forgiveness
And returned with repentance that left you refreshed
١. سألتَ اللهَ مِمَّا كانَ عَفواً
وعُدْتَ بتوبةٍ تَرَكَتْكَ نِضْوَا
2. You erased the pages of pleasures when
You wiped out the lines of indulgence
٢. محوتَ صَحائِفَ اللَّذَّاتِ لمَّا
مَحوتَ بها سطورَ الزَّفْنِ مَحوا
3. So your gentle flute harbored sorrow
And your loud horn proclaimed lament
٣. فأضمرَ نَايُكَ الحنَّانُ هَمّاً
وأعلنَ صَنجُك الصَّيَّاح شَكوى
4. And how many ruins of an abandoned camp
Where you once stayed have persevered
٤. وكم للقَصفِ من طَلَلٍ مُحيلٍ
تأبَّدَ مِنك مَنزِلُه فأقْوَى
5. The tavern yearns for you, alive
And the nightingale weeps for you in grief
٥. تحِنُّ إليك حانةُ باطر تحى
ويبكي الزَّنْدِرُودُ عليك شجوى
6. Indeed, did the taste of life turn bitter
When your polished instrument fell silent?
٦. أَحَقّاً عادَ طَعمُ العَيشِ مُرّاً
وكانَ بزَفْتِك المَرْمُوقِ حُلوا
7. And did his straight rod cease to dance?
And did his chirping take flight and hush?
٧. وجَفَّ قضيبُه الميَّاسُ رَقصاً
وطارَ هَزارُه الغِرِّيدُ شأوا
8. You, a horseman, more graceful when mounted
Upon a saddle, and more elegant when you sway
٨. أفارسُ أنتَ أحسنُ مَن تَثَّنى
على صَنجٍ وأملحُ من تلوَّى
9. Life was blessed by your great goodness
That spurred the sand steeds to gallop
٩. أُصِيبَ العَيْشُ مِنك بِخَيْرِ حادٍ
يَحُثُّ ركائبَ الصَّهباءِ حَدْوَا
10. When his shoulders trembled to dance
The birds of hearts flew down to him
١٠. إذا اختلَجَت مَناكِبُه لرَقصٍ
نَزَت طَيرُ القلوبِ إليه نَزْوَا
11. He retold the tale of the two elders in earnest
Though telling their story was jest and diversion
١١. أعادَ حِكايةَ الشَّيخينِ جِداً
وكانَ حكَاهُما لَعِباً ولَهوا
12. So his instrument became language and verse
And his music turned to discourse and grammar
١٢. فأصبحَ زَفْنُه لُغَةً وشِعراً
وأمسى عَزْفُه جَدَلاً ونَحوا
13. Learned men shy from narrating his knowledge
Quenched if we wet our lips from his spring
١٣. يَخِفُّ له رُواةٌ عنه عِلماً
زُلالاً إن سَقانا منه أَروى
14. So he draws light from the lantern
And sips purity from the stream
١٤. فمُقتَبِسٌ مِنَ المِصباحِ نُوراً
ومُغتَرِفٌ من التَّيَّارِ صَفوا
15. Before long, his gifts return
To afflict the youths with trials
١٥. فلا يَبْعُدُ زمانٌ منك عادَت
مَواهبُه على الفِتيانِ بَلوىَ
16. Nights entertained by your instruments
And days spent roaming the wilds
١٦. ليالٍ بالمعازِفِ منك تُنضَى
وأيامٌ بِحَثِّ الرَّاحِ تُطوَى
17. You sat when others rose to compete
Beating the tambour, widening its realm
١٧. قَعدتَ وكم نهضتَ إلى التَّصابي
بنَقرِ الدُّفِّ تُوسِعُ فِيه خَطْوا
18. You revealed your moment in time
Carving from pleasures a new epoch
١٨. فأظهرتَ الزَّمانةَ في زَمانٍ
حَزَزتَ به من اللَّذَّاتِ عُضوا