
Why do the envious plot against my struggle?

إلام يروم الحاسدون نضالي

1. Why do the envious plot against my struggle?
Their oaths in archery are all aimed at my left side.

١. إلامَ يَرومُ الحَاسِدونَ نِضالي
وأَيمانُهُم في الرَّمْيِ دونَ شِمالي

2. I am the renowned, fierce warrior nearly toppled
By slander whose pillars collapsed into untruth.

٢. أنا الصَّارمُ المَشهورُ كادَني العِدا
بإفكٍ هَوَتْ أركانُه ومُحالِ

3. Yet the foes never marred the edge of my blade,
Nor did the envious drink the water of my whetstone.

٣. فما ثَلَمَ الأَعدْاءُ حَدَّ مَضاربي
ولا شَربَ الحُسَّادُ ماءَ صِقالي

4. When the lineage of a people declines, my home
Is the summit of glorious ancestry.

٤. إذا هَبَطَتْ أنسابُ قَوْمٍ فموطِني
ذُرى نَسَبٍ بينَ التَّبابعِ عالي

5. And cease telling of hands that attack and tongues that speak,
And spears brandished high with sharp tips.

٥. ونَاهيكَ مِنْ أَيْدٍ تَصولُ وأَلسُنٍ
تَقولُ وأرماحٍ تُهَزُّ طِوالِ

6. I split the armor of Al-Khalidi with eloquence
That rips all enemies with shattering force.

٦. شَقْقتُ قَذَالَ الخَالديِّ بِمَنْطِقٍ
يَشُقُّ من الأَعْداءِ كلَّ قَذالِ

7. And Al-Milhi fought me over her, so his claws
Were wounded by my arrows at dawn.

٧. وناضَلَني المِلحيُّ عنه فَأَصْبَحَتْ
جَوارِحُهُ مَجروحَةً بِنبالي

8. As for Ali the salt seller in An-Nawa,
When I gained the mother of Al-Khalidi, what was that to me?

٨. وما لِعَليِّ بائعِ المِلحِ بالنَّوى
إذا نِلْتُ أمَّ الخالديِّ وما لي

9. Why did he not approach me when he slipped away
After his eyes saw the edge of my blade?

٩. وهلاَّ أتاني إذ هَفَا مُتَنَصِّلاً
وقد عايَنَتْ عَيناهُ حَدَّ نِصالي

10. He would vacate his house for secret plans
Whenever a friend or loved one came to visit.

١٠. وقد كان يُخلي بَيتَهُ لمآربٍ
إذا زارَ إلفٌ أو حَبا بوِصالِ

11. Yet he would lend it out for five dirhams
To pale-faced ones, a heavy sum.

١١. على أنه يُكريه يَوماً بخمسَةٍ
مُوَجَّهَةٍ بيضِ الوُجوهِ ثِقالِ

12. I pride myself in remembering God on all sides.
Pride in remembering God, nothing else makes me proud.

١٢. بَخِلْتُ بذكْرِ اللهِ من كلِّ جانبٍ
فهنّ بذكرِ اللهِ غيرُ خوالي

13. Averting their gazes, humbled into lowness,
And the length of their right hands shortened.

١٣. رَوافعُ أبصارٍ خُفِضْنَ مَذَلَّةً
وطولُ يمينٍ قَصَّرَت وشِمالِ

14. They love, but it benefits only their lover,
The morning after, as their tryst approaches its end.

١٤. تَحِبُّ ولَكِنْ نَفْعُها لمُحبِّها
غَداةَ نَوىً منها وَوَشْكِ زِيالِ

15. With it Al-Milhi makes lawful his armor at times,
And at times my sacrosanct household and family.

١٥. يبيح بها الملحي طورا قذاله
وطورا حريمي منزل وعيال

16. So if you wish to gain the companionship of a delicate gazelle,
With tender cheeks or a gentle doe,

١٦. فَإنْ شِئْتَ أن تَحْظى بِوَصْلِ غَزالَةٍ
مُهَفَهْفَةِ الكَشْحَيْنِ أو بِغَزالِ

17. Present to him the newborn calf, and sway it
With a maiden of pure, limpid water.

١٧. فَقدِّمْ له الجَدْيَ الرَّضيعَ وَثِّنه
بِعَذْراءَ مِنْ ماءِ الكُرومِ زُلالِ

18. Only meet him with the best means,
Where goodness appears on his face.

١٨. ولا تَلْقَهُ إلا بِخَيْرِ وَسيلَةٍ
يَلوحُ على وَجْهَيْهِ خَيْرُ مَقالِ

19. With a falcon, if you release it, it will hunt whatever
You intend, or obtain whatever is attained.

١٩. ببازٍ إذا أرسلَتهُ صادَ كلَّ ما
تَرومُ بهِ أو نالَ كلَّ مَنالِ

20. It will carry him on the back of a galloping steed
That concludes what it bears with the worst outcome.

٢٠. سيَحْمِلُهُ جَرْيٌ على ظَهْرِ جامحٍ
يَؤولُ بما في الظَّهْرِ شرَّ مآلِ

21. And it will know that peace was safety
For it, and shade that tells of departure.

٢١. ويَعْلَمُ أنَّ السِّلْمَ كانَ سَلامَةً
لَدَيْهِ وظِلاً آذِناً بِزَوالِ