1. If we are called to pursue and embrace later,
With a leaping zeal and an ardent companion;
١. إذا ما دعونا لاحِقاً ومُعانِقاً
وقِيدَ لدَيْنا واثِبٌ ومُخالِسُ
2. That day fortune will have averted its gaze,
And misfortune's raven-haired brides will draw near.
٢. فذلك يَومٌ جانبَ السَّعدُ سِرْبَه
وقُوبِلَ بالنَّحْسِ الظِّباءُ الكَوانِسُ
3. As though the hides of beasts amid their hounds
Were bloodied by their chargers and their stallions.
٣. كأنَّ جُلودَ الوَحْشِ بينَ كِلابِه
وقد دَمِيَت أجيادُها والمَعاطِسُ
4. The pleated shirts - their pockets will be torn
And their golden blossoms stained by maidens fair.
٤. مُصَندَلَةُ القُمصانِ شُقَّتْ جُيوبُها
ورُقرِقَ فيها الزَّعْفَرانَ العرائِسُ