
Alas for the wedding of al-Khalidi, alas

بؤسا لعرس الخالدي بوسا

1. Alas for the wedding of al-Khalidi, alas
Every day she takes a new groom

١. بُؤسَاً لِعرْسِ الخَالِديِّ بُوسَا
أَكُلَّ يَوْمٍ تَغْتدِي عَرْوسا

2. She deserted him and chose a precious youth
And parted from his stench for a peacock

٢. خَلَّتْهُ وَاعْتَاضَتْ فَتىً نَفِيسا
وَفَارَقَتْ مِن نَتْنِهِ نَاوُوسا

3. She found a quarter of familiar passion
And exchanged his ugliness for a peacock

٣. فَصَادَفَتْ رَبْعَ هوَىً مَأنُوسَا
وبَدَّلتْ منْ رَخَمٍ طاوُوسا

4. How could she love his sullen face
When she sees the moons and suns

٤. وكيفَ تَهْوَى وَجْهَهُ العَبُوسا
وهيَ تَرَى الأقمَارَ والشُّمُوسَا