
The lovely one spreads flags for life,

غراء تنشر للحيا أعلاما

1. The lovely one spreads flags for life,
Her work has spread benevolence over the countries.

١. غَرَّاءُ تَنشُرُ للحَيا أعلاما
عَمَّ البلادَ صَنيعُها إنعاما

2. She passed by the thirst of the land, and her lightnings
Spread while her tears overflowed copiously.

٢. مَرَّتْ بِظَمآنِ الثَّرى وبُروقُها
تَشرى وأدمُعُها تَفيضُ سِجاما

3. Like a lover, her tears flowed
And yearning kindled a fire in her breasts.

٣. مثلَ المُحِبِّ تَرَقرَقَتْ عَبَراتُه
والشَّوقُ يُذكي في حَشاه ضِراما

4. So the eyes of light in it became as though they were
A ladle seeing the sweetness of the mist as forbidden.

٤. فغدَتْ عُيونُ النَّورِ فيه كأنَّها
مُقَلٌ تَرى طِيبَ الغُموضِ حَراما

5. The lovely one gave shyness to the roses in their trees
And increased the jasmine's passion.

٥. أَهْدى الحَيا للوَرْدِ في شَجَراتِه
خَجَلاً وزادَ الياسَمينَ غَراما

6. The petals of the anemone cracked open so I left it
In the garden like cups filled with wine.

٦. وتَشَقَّقَتْ قُمْصُ الشَّقيقِفَخِلْتُهُ
في الرَّوْضِ كاساتٍ مُلِئْنَ مُداما