
Shall I submit to the days, or shall I not submit?

أسلم للأيام أم لا أسلم

1. Shall I submit to the days, or shall I not submit?
Shall I bear the injustice of time, or shall I protest?

١. أُسَلِّمُ للأَيَّامِ أَم لا أُسَلِّمُ
وأَحمِلُ ظُلْمَ الدَّهْرِ أَمْ أتظَلَّمُ

2. I wept over poetry that was stricken, as Malik wept
When his property was stricken, completing his elegy

٢. بَكَيتُ على شِعْرٍ أُصيبَ كما بكى
على مالكٍ لمَّا أُصيبَ مُتَمِّمُ

3. I was consoled for not attaining wealth through its merit
For no destitute man was made wealthy through merit

٣. تَعزَّيْتُ عن نَيْلِ الثَّراءِ بِفَضْلِهِ
وما مُعْدِمٌ أثرى من الفَضْلِ مُعْدِمُ

4. I distance my pleasure and gains from it
And forsake sleep for it while people slumber

٤. أُجانِبُ فيه لذَّتي ومَكاسبي
وأهجُرُ فيه النَّومَ والناسُ نُوَّمُ

5. When meanings flash their lightning bolts at me
And the delicate wording of prose aids them

٥. إذا ما المعاني أَومَضَتْ لي بُروقُها
وساعَدَها وَشْيُ الكَلامِ المُنَمنَمُ

6. I saw the glow in the cheek of a lovely gazelle
Her dimples smiling beneath it

٦. رَأَيْتُ التهابَ الحَلْيِ في جِيدِ غادَةٍ
تَرائِبُها من تَحتِهِ تَبَتَسَّمُ

7. An enchanting order of halal magic
That makes its listener believe the stars are strung together

٧. نِظامٌ منَ السِّحْرِ الحلالِ مُخَيِّلٌ
لِسامِعِهِ أنَّ الكَواكِبَ تُنظَمُ

8. When it grew fierce as a sword, a polisher honed it
And straightened it like a spear made straight

٨. فَلمَّا اغتَدَى كالسَّيفِ أَخلَصَ صَيْقَلٌ
ظُباه وكالرُّمْحِ انتحاه مُقَوِّمُ

9. Souls seek refuge in its breeze as though it were
A soft wind in the hands of the morning breeze

٩. وعاذَتْ برَيَّاه النُّفوسُ كأنَّه
نَسيمٌ على أيدي الصَّبا يُتَنَسَّمُ

10. A people my equal adorned themselves with it but denied it
Does the shooting star give birth to dark features?

١٠. تَحلَّى به قَوْمٌ سِوايَ فكذَّبوا
وهل يَلِدُ الشُّهْبَ المَلامِحِ أدهَمُ

11. Against it was launched by the insane a raid
So it became among them divided spoils

١١. وشُنَّتْ عليه للمَجانينِ غارَةٌ
فأصبحَ نَهباً بينَهم يُتَقَسَّمُ

12. It was the greatest raid whose swords
Made violating the sanctity of literature lawful though forbidden

١٢. هي الغارَةُ العُظمى التي بسيوفِها
أُبيحَ حِمى الآدابِ وهو مُحرَّمُ

13. I see injustice has spread among all people
So there is no justice but when wolves judge

١٣. أرى الجَوْرَ قد عَمَّ الأنامَ بأَسْرِهِمْ
فلا عَدْلَ إلا للظُّبا حينَ تَحكُمُ

14. Will an eloquent one protect the ornament of rhetoric
While the vulgar boast in the delicacy of eloquence?

١٤. أَيُدْفَعُ عن حَلْيِ البَلاغَةِ مُعْرِبٌ
ويَرْفُلُ في وَشْيِ الفَصاحَةِ أَعْجَمُ

15. It is criticism robbed by the raid of chaos
But in the raid of poetry it is impregnable

١٥. هوَ النَّقَدُ المسلوبُ من غارَةِ الوَغَى
ولكنَّهُ في غارَةِ الشعرِ ضَيْغَمُ

16. Steel misses the fang and claw if it extends
So how could it be harmed if it goes clipped?

١٦. يَفوتُ الحديدُ النَّابِ والظِّفرِ إن سَطا
فما ضَرَّه إن راحَ وهو مُقَلَّمُ

17. Leave the blooming stars that confounded you
As long as poetry has stars at its rising

١٧. دَعُوا الأْنجُمَ الزُّهْرَ التي أَعجَزَتْكُمُ
لمَطْلِعِها ما دامَ للشعرِ أنجُمُ

18. Do not preserve the Preserver of preservers for His traits
Have dissolved for you and He is intractable

١٨. ولا تُحْفِظُوا رَبَّ الحِفاظِ لأنَّه
حَلَتْ لكُمُ أخلاقُه وهو عَلْقَمُ

19. His tongue oozes poisoned honey for you
And no honey was ever so poisoned before it

١٩. يَمُجٌّ لكم شهدَ الكَلامِ لِسانُه
وما مَجَّ يَوماً قبلَه الشَّهْدَ أَرقَمُ

20. I deflected the arrows of blame from you though pierced
And some rhymed verse is an arrow feathered

٢٠. رَدَدْتُ سِهامَ الذَّمِّ عنكم مُذَمَّماً
وبعضُ قوافي الشِّعْرِ سَهْمٌ مُسَمَّمُ

21. I saw you dead so I checked my sobbing
Does one who sees the dead speak when they mumble?

٢١. رَأيتُكُمُ مَوتَى فكَفْكَفْتُ غَربَها
وهل ناظرَ الأمواتَ حينَ تَكَلَّم

22. If you ask me for a drop of virtues
My pool is filled with the water of virtues

٢٢. وإن تَسْأَلوني قَطرةً من مَحاسنٍ
فحَوضيَ من ماءِ المحاسنِ مُفعَمُ