
The nights fold up knowledge that they will fold us,

نطوي الليالي علما أن ستطوينا

1. The nights fold up knowledge that they will fold us,
So illuminate them with the water of grape and let us drink.

١. نَطوي اللَّيالَي عِلْمَاً أن سَتَطوِينا
فشَعشِعِيها بماءِ المُزنِ واسقِينا

2. And crown our hands with cups of comfort
For our hands were only created for comfort.

٢. وتَوِّجي بكؤوسِ الراحِ أيديَنا
فإِنما خُلقَت للرَّاحِ أيدينا

3. She stood, gently swaying a delicate body,
Stealing the traits of shyness from its folds to seduce us.

٣. قامت تَهُزُّ قَواماً ناعماً سَرَقت
شَمائلَ البانِ من أعطافِه لِينا

4. Stirring up rosy wine that mixes as
You poured over the rose garden nectar.

٤. تَحُثُّ حمراءَ يَلقاها المِزاجُ كما
أَلقيتَ فَوقَ جَنِيِّ الوَردِ نِسرينا

5. So I know not if she quenches our thirst, though the scent of musk
Exhales from her, or if she revives us.

٥. فلستُ أدري أتَسقِيَنا وقد نَفحَت
روائحُ المِسكِ منها أو تُحيِّينا

6. She has made us masters of the reins of life, pure,
If we lost the kingdom, she would depart from it to console us.

٦. قد ملَّكَتنا زِمامَ العَيشِ صافيةً
لو فاتَنا المُلكُ راحَت عنه تُسلِينا

7. The snatcher of the pitcher satisfies and angers us,
Killing us slowly, and bringing us back to life.

٧. ومُخطَفِ القَدِّ يُرضِينا ويُسخِطُنا
حُسناً ويَقتُلُنا دَلاً ويُحْيِينَا

8. Shyly her two cheeks blushed from bashfulness,
And she increased in her coquetry to adorn us.

٨. تَفَتَّحَت وَردتَا خَدَّيهِ مِن خَجَلٍ
وزِيدَتَا بعِذارَيهِ تَزايِينَا

9. It incessantly pecked at the innards of the two gall bladders for us,
Until it was exhausted and wounded.

٩. ما زالَ يَنقُرُ أحشاءَ الدنِّانِ لنا
حتَّى نَفاهنَّ مَجروحاً ومطعونا

10. When I saw the eyes of fate glance at us
Mockingly, I was certain that fate sought to destroy us.

١٠. لمّا رأيتُ عُيونَ الدهرِ تَلحَظُنا
شَزْراً تيقَّنتُ أنَّ الدَّهر يُردينا

11. We proceed and leave behind from our words treasures
Whose fragrances the passing winds steal.

١١. نمضي ونترُكُ من ألفاظِنا تُحَفاً
تَسبي ريَاحِينُها الشَّرْبَ الرَّياحِينا

12. And we care not for the criticism of fools, so long as
The intelligent among the people extol us.

١٢. وما نُبالي بِذَمِّ الأغبياءِ إذا
كانَ اللَّبيبُ من الأقوام يُطرِينا

13. Many a beauty whose necklaces were not strung
Except so the Fatimids would be praised through her.

١٣. ورُبَّ غَرَّاءَ لم تُنظَم قَلائِدها
إلاّ ليُحمَدَ فيها الفَاطميُّونا

14. The inheritors of God's book who bestow upon them
The inheritance of the Prophet despite the enemies.

١٤. الوارثُون كِتابَ اللِه يَمَنحُهم
إرثَ النَّبِيِّ على رُغمِ المُعادينا

15. The first to good deeds, their emancipation helps them
When all humankind enslaves them.

١٥. والسابِقُون إلى الخَيراتِ يَنجُدُهم
عِتقُ النِّجار إذا كلَّ المُجارُونا

16. A people we bless when we remember them out of love,
And curse the wretched people who oppose us.

١٦. قومُ نُصلِّي عليهمِ حينَ نَذكُرُهم
حُبّاً ونَلعَنُ أَقواماً مَلاعينا

17. If we count Quraysh in its dwellings,
They are its predators and lionesses.

١٧. إذا عَددنا قُرَيشاً في أباطحِها
كانُوا الذَّوائِبَ منها والعَرانِينا

18. God's praises of them in Ta Ha and Ya Seen make them
Needless of the praises of praising poets.

١٨. أغنَتهُمُ عَن صِفاتِ المادحِين لهم
مدائحُ اللهِ في طَه ويَاسِينا

19. And I do not praise them except to force, through praising them,
The nose of their detractor and opponent to submit to us.

١٩. فلستُ أمدحهُم إلا لأرغِمَ في
مَدْحِيهمُ أنفَ شانِيهم وشَانِينا

20. A spirit and a fragrance stayed over the grave,
Where al-Husayn who cried "Thirsty" lies buried.

٢٠. أقامَ رَوحٌ ورَيحانٌ على جَدَثٍ
ثَوَى الحُسينُ به ظمآنَ آمينا

21. It is as if our innards forever fold over embers
Or are stuffed with daggers when we remember him.

٢١. كأنَّ أحشاءَنا من ذِكرِه أبداً
تُطوَى على الجَمْرِ أو تُحشَى السَّكاكِينا

22. But no! They did not sever his father's strings,
Rather, by killing him, the religion itself they unraveled.

٢٢. مهلاً فما نَقضُوا أوتارَ والدِه
وإنما نَقَضُوا في قَتلهِ الدِّينا

23. O Family of the Prophet, we found that loving you leads
To God being pleased with us and satisfying us.

٢٣. آل النبِيِّ وجَدْنا حُبَّكم سَبَباً
يَرضَى الإلهُ به عنَّا ويُرضِينا

24. Thus we address you as nothing but our masters,
And call you nothing but our patrons.

٢٤. فمَا نُخاطِبُكم إلاّ بسادتِنا
ولا نُنادِيكُمُ إلا مَوالينا

25. And we take such pride in your affection,
Which increases the blackness of the heart by affirming us.

٢٥. وكم لنَا من فَخارٍ في مَودَّتِكم
يَزيدُها في سَوادِ القَلبِ تَمكِينا

26. As for an enemy of yours whose enmity is concealed,
God casts him from us as he casts arrows at us.

٢٦. ومن عدوٍ لكم مُخْفٍ عداوتَه
واللهُ يرميه عنا وهو يرمينا

27. The reward of loving you is a stud horse's gallop, so
The expanses of your efforts have become our racecourses.

٢٧. إن أَجرِ في حُبِّكم جَرْيَ الجوادِ فقد
أضحَت رِحابُ مَساعيكم مَيادينا

28. And how can my poetry keep pace with you when mentioning you
Improves the most well-crafted poetry by beautifying it?

٢٨. وكيفَ يَعدوكُمُ شِعري وذكرُكُمُ
يَزيدُ مُستَحسَنَ الأشعارِ تَحسِينا