
The wedding of Ibn Hamza's son has darkened his face,

لقد سودت عرس ابن حمزة وجهه

1. The wedding of Ibn Hamza's son has darkened his face,
Though it was bright at gatherings.

١. لقد سَوَّدَتْ عِرْسُ ابنِ حَمزَةَ وَجهَهُ
وكان مُضيئاً وَجهُهُ في المَحافِل

2. What can the ugly blind man do when
The glances of the doe-eyed girls converge on him?

٢. وما حيلَةُ الأعمى القبيحِ إذا التَوتْ
عليه حِسانُ الآنساتِ العقائِلِ

3. He was wicked before, a fraud,
But his wicked, fraudulent acts made him forgettable.

٣. وكان خبيثاً قبلَ ذاكَ مُخاتِلاً
فأَنسَتْهُ أفعالَ الخَبيثِ المُخاتِلِ

4. One day she wanted to destroy the truth with her lies
And mix the pure truth with falsehood.

٤. أرادَتْ قضاءَ الحَقِّ يَوْماً بِزَورِها
ومأرَبَ حَقٍّ شِيبَ منها بباطِلِ

5. So she set out with purpose on the path,
Swaying to a branch of acacia.

٥. فسارَتْ على قَصْدِ السَّبيلِ هُنيهَةً
وماَلتْ إلى غُصنٍ من البانِ مائلِ

6. A fine day passed her by the riverbank,
A stranger among days, beautiful in character.

٦. فمرَّ لها يَوْمٌ على النَّهْرِ صالحٌ
غَريبٌ من الأيامِ حلوُ الشَّمائلِ

7. Her glances give the repentant the magic of Babylon,
And she takes the wine of Babylon from their hands.

٧. يُعاطي النَّدامى طَرفُها سِحْرَ بابلٍ
وتأخُذُ من أيديِهمُ خَمْرَ بابلِ

8. Until she destroyed the rights of men and ruined
The rights of the neglected women with her lies.

٨. إلى أن قَضَتْ حَقَّ الرِّجالِ وضَيَّعَتْ
بباطِلها حقَّ النِّساءِ الثَّواكلِ

9. She returned with a withered bouquet,
Grasping some petals, not hands.

٩. وعادَتْ بِوَرْدِ ذابلِ الوَرْدِ حائلٍ
بِعَضِّ الثَّنايا لا بِعَضِّ الأناملِ

10. She did not draw near to slit pockets or shed
Tears with the drinking throngs wailing.

١٠. فلم تَدْنُ من شقِّ الجيوبِ ولم تَغِضْ
مَعَ الشَّربِ أسرابُ الدُّموعِ الهَوَامِلِ

11. Had she been truthful, she would not have found desolate,
Sorrow-stricken in the red slippers and anklets.

١١. ولو صدَقَتْ لم تُلْقَ ثَكْلى تَسلَّبت
مِنَ الحُزْنِ في حُمْرِ الحِلَى والغَلائلِ