
From a graceful neck that bid farewell in peace,

أمن رقبة عاف السلام مودعا

1. From a graceful neck that bid farewell in peace,
And restrained the flow of tears as they hastened,

١. أَمِنْ رُقبَةٍ عافَ السَّلامَ مُوِّدعا
ورَدَّ جُموحَ الدَّمعِ حينَ تَسَرَّعا

2. Appeared the beautiful white wrists, displaying
Their charms completely to his eyes.

٢. وصَدَّعَنِ البِيضِ الحِسانِ وقد بَدَت
فأَبدَتْ لعَينيهِ المَحاسِنَ أجمَعا

3. Like a full moon veiled in darkness,
Flirting with a lion masked in iron.

٣. بَرَزْنَ فمِن بَدْرٍ تَقَنَّعَ بالدُّجَى
يغازلُ ليثاً بالحديدِ مُقَنَّعا

4. Or a moist branch wrapped in soft fine silk,
Swaying gently with the stir of its trailing ends.

٤. ومِنْ غُصُنٍ رَطْبٍ تأزَّرَ بالنَّقا
إذا هَزَّ عِطْفَيْهِ القِناعُ تَزَعْزَعا

5. They tempered the sweetness of love with bitterness,
So he sipped what was disliked from her.

٥. مَزَجْنَ له عَذْبَ الهَوى بمَرارَةٍ
يُجَرَّعُ مِنْ مَكروهِها ما تَجرَّعا

6. If love's union someday disintegrates,
Have the strength through patience to reconstruct it.

٦. إذا ما الهَوى يوماً تَصَدَّعَ شَملُه
فأَخْلِقْ بِشَمْلِ الصَّبرِ أن يتَصَدَّعا

7. When an ardent lover visits, they count me
Among the false ones, though once I listened and saw.

٧. عَدَتْنيَ مِنْ زَوْرٍ إذا زارَ عاشقاً
أَعادَ المُنى مرأىً وقد كانَ مَسمَعا

8. Evading the sweetness of my cheek's soft skin,
Though it murmurs musk when gently stroked.

٨. يُداري عُذوبَةَ الحُليِّ وقد عَلا
تَرَنُّمُهوالمِسكَ حينَ تَضَوَّعا

9. And in sleep he grants me what, had I sought awake,
Would have been refused by him and denied by me.

٩. ويَبذُلُ لي في النَّومِ ما لو طَلَبْتُه
على يَقْظَةٍ مني ومنه تمنَّعا

10. Does time bare its claws to pounce
On the valiant, marching them off undetained?

١٠. هَلِ الدَّهْرُ مُلْقٍ من مَخالب
شجاعاً على ألاّ مشيّعا

11. Resigned to events, enamored of its own nonexistence,
Lessening and humiliating lest it be disgraced and submit.

١١. صبوراً على الأحداثِ يعشَقُ عُدْمَه
وإقلالَه كيلا يَذِلَّ ويَخْضَعا

12. And charging the innocent with accusations,
Having already accused them falsely among people.

١٢. ومُرتَدعٍ رامي البريءِ بِتُهْمَةٍ
فقد سارَ فيها في الأنامِ وأوضَعا

13. Oh wonder of verse! Are its strange, wondrous expressions
Like a serpent spewing poison from its dripping fangs?

١٣. أَرَبَّ القَوافي الغُرِّ يُرقَى بمثلِها
لقد فَرَّ أفعَى يَنفُثُ السُّمَّ مُنقَعا

14. When have I not illuminated every perplexing line
With speech that glows with limpid nectar?

١٤. وكيفَ وقد شَعْشَعْتُ كلَّ غريبةٍ
منَ القَوْلِ تُزري بالرَّحيقِ مُشَعشَعا

15. And channeled from the river of eloquence streams
That flow and return to nourish the wilderness.

١٥. وأَجرَيْتُ من عَذْبِ الكَلامِ مَوارِداً
تروحُ وتَغْدو للبَرِيَّةِ مَشرَعا

16. I have excelled in its wondrous subtleties,
Beyond what any predecessor strove to attain.

١٦. وبرَّزْتُ سَبقاً في غَرائبِه الأُلى
يُقَصِّرُ عنها سابقُ القَوْمِ إن سَعى

17. Is there, oh Prince, a hearer to my innocence,
Which I establish impartial between the two ranks?

١٧. فهَلْ سامِعٌ منّي الأميرُ بَراءَةً
أقومُ بها بين السِّماطَيْنِ مُسمِعا

18. Praise, that when you see the polish of its composition,
You imagine it joined like gems of pure brilliance.

١٨. ثناءً إذا عايَنْتَ عِقدَ نِظامِه
توهَّمْتَه للجَوهرِ التِّبرِ مَجمَعا

19. A knight who vied with the lofty before he was weaned,
And shepherded justice before he could walk steadily.

١٩. فَتىً ساورَ العَلياءَ قبلَ فِطامِه
وراعَ العِدا من قَبلِ أن يَتَرَعْرَعا

20. A steed who when he fulfills his duty generously,
Does supererogatory acts out of love for bounty.

٢٠. جَوادٌ إذا أدَّى الفريضةَ جُودُه
تَنَفَّلَ من حَبِّ النَّدى فتطَوَّعا

21. We seek his closeness like the sun at its zenith,
And when far on the horizon, like the rising sun.

٢١. نُقابِلُ منه الشَّمسَ في قُربِ ضَوْئِها
وإنْ بَعُدَتْ في صَفحَةِ الجوِّ مَطلَعا

22. Asking with expertise in nobility,
And if we forget to ask, he volunteers.

٢٢. ونسألُ منه بارِعاً في سَماحَةٍ
فإنْ نحنُ أغفَلْنا السؤالَ تبرَّعا

23. When the talented panegyrist is inspired, his discernment
Also excels, enhanced by his excellent gifts.

٢٣. إذا أبدَعَ المُدَّاحُ أبدَعَ عُرْفُه
فكانَ بما يُسْدي من العُرْفِ أبدَعا

24. And if time injures with its harms,
His manners within it become most harmful and beneficial.

٢٤. وإنْ لَجَّ في إضرارِهِ الدَّهْرُ أَصبحَتْ
خَلائِقُهُ فيها أَضَرَّ وأَنفَعا

25. The noble deeds of the famed performer, when rulers
Don them, excel even rulers in nobility.

٢٥. مكارِمُ وَضَّاحٍ إذا ما تذرَّعَتْ
ملوكُ الوَرَى في المَكرُماتِ تَذَرَّعا

26. His rest whose direction, when clouds pour,
The shelter cannot compare, so cool and ample.

٢٦. له راحةٌ ما قيسَ بالغَيْثِ صَوبُها
لَدى المِحْلِ إلاّ كانَ أندى وأوسَعا

27. You see the hopes of the prosperous need his overflowing stream,
Yet you never see his enemies hoping in him.

٢٧. تَرى طَمَعَ العافينَ يَحتاجُ وَفرَه
وليسَتْ ترى أعدؤه فيه مَطمَعا

28. The feats of the master of feats begin
Naturally when the questioner one day pretends.

٢٨. صَنائعُ مَشهورِ الصَّنائعِ يَبتَدي
طِباعاً إذا المَسْؤُولُ يوماً تصَّنعا

29. When the morning passes in its torrents,
It turns away, leaving the late night squared.

٢٩. إذا ما مضى صَدْرُ النَّهارِ بسَيلِه
تولَّى وأبقى آخرَ اللَّيلِ مَربَعا

30. Features fairer than the garden's adornments to behold,
And better than the work of clouds as pasture.

٣٠. شمائلُ أبهى من حِلَى الرَّوْضِ مَنْظَراً
وأحسَنُ من فِعْلِ السَّحائبِ مَرتَعا

31. O father of Taghlib, you remain conquering the age,
When the multitude turn and flee terrified.

٣١. أبا تغلبٍ لا زِلْتَ للقِرْنِ غالباً
إذا ارتدَّ للرَّوْعِ الكَمِيُّ مُرَوَّعا

32. You engage them with the sword without deceit,
And stab them deeply with mortal wounds.

٣٢. تُنازِلُه بالسَّيفِ غيرَ مُخادِعٍ
فتُورِدُه منه وَريداً وأَخدَعا

33. Prepare one studying your exemplary deeds,
For the excuse has been clearly exposed and convinced.

٣٣. أَعِدْ دارِساً من رِسْمِ بِرِّكَ واضحاً
فقد وَضَحَ العُذْرُ انكشافاً وأقنَعا

34. In you I have means to praise handsomely,
Enabling me to properly place the craft.

٣٤. فلي فيكَ من حُسْنِ الثَّناءِ ذَريعَةٌ
تُمَكِّنُ عندي للصَّنيعَةِ مَوْضِعا

35. And secondly, your cousin Saifi,
Were he to implore the rain, it would quickly pour.

٣٥. وثانيةٌإنَّ ابنَ عمِّكَ شافعي
ولو ناشدَ الغَيْثَ استهَلَّ فأسرَعا