1. O Abu Bakr, you have wrongly suspected
One whose nature is standoffishness and dissent,
١. أبا بكرٍ أَسَأْتَ الظَّنَّ فيمَن
سَجِيَّتُه التَّمَنُّعُ والخِلافُ
2. And you feared for me being alone with him,
Yet between us there was no situation to fear.
٢. وخِفْتَ عليه من الخَلَواتِ مني
ولم تَكُ بينَنا حالٌ تُخافُ
3. I have spurned, since my youth, that which should not be spurned,
And I have excused that which cannot be excused.
٣. جَفَوْتُ من الصِّبا ما ليسَ يُجفى
وعِفْتُ من الهَوى ما لا يُعافُ
4. So if I had intended an ugly deed
In private, honor would have awakened me.
٤. فلو أني هَمَمْتُ بِقُبحِ فِعْلٍ
لدَى الإغفاءِ أيقَظَني العَفافُ