1. Every good thing has a detriment
And the detriment of a young man is the growth of his beard
١. لكل شيء حسن آفة
وآفة المرد نبات اللحى
2. O branch, when you donned radiance
And the light smiled upon it, its people rejoiced
٢. يا غصنا لما اكتسى نضرة
وابتسم النور عليه ذوى
3. Shaving the beard took the place of uprooting it
So spare me from the sword of annihilation
٣. أحلك الشعر محل القلى
وفل من جفنيك سيف الفنا
4. The eclipse of the moonlit nights is hideous
So how will it be if it afflicts the sun of daybreak
٤. كسوف أقمار الدجا شنعة
فكيف إن حل بشمس الضحا
5. He whose cheek is blackened by his beard
Is dead though not under the earth
٥. من سودت لحيته خدّه
مات وإن لم يكن رهن الثرى