
Angry, he forgets me, while I remember him

غضبان ينساني وأذكره

1. Angry, he forgets me, while I remember him
He sleeps away from Layla, while I stay awake for her

١. غَضبانُ ينساني وأذكرُه
ويَنامُ عن ليلي وأسهرُه

2. With his injustice, nothing prospers for him
While my fortune and that of others prosper

٢. وبِجَوْرِه ما صارَ مُورِقُه
حظِّي وحظُّ سوايَ مُثمِرُه

3. If passion was satisfied, that would be enough
I wouldn't have concealed it or revealed it

٣. وكفَى الهَوى لو كان مُكتَفياً
ما رحتُ أُضْمِرُهُ وأُظْهِرُه

4. Sorrow was never divided among lovers
Except my share of it was the greatest

٤. لم يقتسِم في العاشقين أسىً
إلاّ وقِسمي منه أوفرُه

5. So I fall into a soul I try to elevate
And I swim in tears I make flow

٥. فأَطيحُ في نَفسٍ أُصعِّدُه
وأعومُ في دَمْعٍ أُحدِّرُه

6. Like a star that never rests
As if a king had chained it in place

٦. وسميرِ نجمٍ لا بَراحَ له
وكأنَّما مَلِكٌ يُسَمِّرُه

7. Bewitching, it captivated minds
Its passion handpicked the most beautiful maidens

٧. ومهفهَفٍ هفَتِ العقولُ به
شَغَفاً تخيَّرَهُنَّ أحورُه

8. If the gazelle had not bestowed upon it
Glances from its seducing eyes

٨. إن لم يكن وهبَ الغزالُ له
لَحَظاتِ مُقلتِه فجُؤذُرُه

9. It came with its wine and its looks
Sobering with absence, intoxicating with presence

٩. وافَى بخَمرَتِه وناظرِه
بالفَتْرِ يُسكِرُها وتُسكِرُه

10. Red like pure ruby
While most rubies are redder

١٠. حمراءَ كالياقوتِ صافيةً
ومعظِّمُ الياقوتِ أحمرُه

11. It was this that squeezed its vines
And harvested their bunches early

١١. فهي التي عَصَرَتْ لقَاطِفِها
عُنقودَها من قبلُ يَعْصِرُه

12. In his cup it faces
Behind the veil, his rival Caesar

١٢. في كأسِه كسرى يقابِلُه
من خَلْفِ سِترِ الرَّاحِ قَيصَرُه

13. It's like a fire, they are its kindling
Its towering blaze fuels it

١٣. فكأنَّها نارٌ هُما حِصَبٌ
لحريقِها العالي يُسَعِّرُه

14. This one prayed to it reverently
While that one Christianized it

١٤. أصلَى لها هذا تَمَجُّسُه
وأَحَلَّها هذا تَنصُّرُه

15. In blossoming scent it is perfumed
As if a perfumer had scented it

١٥. في زاهرٍ عَبقٍ تَضوُّعُه
فكأنّ عطّاراً يُعَطِّرُه

16. Its musk equals camphor
And its gold coin pure gold

١٦. ضاهَى ممسَّكَه مُعَنبَرُه
وحكى مُدَرهَمه مُدَنَّرُه

17. It described a pond it had left us
Green with vegetation at its banks

١٧. وحكى غديراً غادرَتْه لنا
خُضْرُ النباتِ يرُفُّ أخضرُه

18. Pure, the wind strides across it
Spilling into it without muddying it

١٨. صافٍ تمُدُّ الرِّيحُ خُطوتَها
ويَفيضُ فيه فلا تكدِّرُه

19. Like a cloak its maker
Furls it one time and unfurls it another

١٩. مثلُ الرِّداءِ يُكَفُّ صانِعُه
يَطويهِ أحياناً ويَنشُرُه

20. The prince built honored architecture
The stars cannot equal a tenth of it

٢٠. شادَ الأميرُ بناءَ مَكرُمةٍ
لا يستطيعُ النَّجمُ يَعْشِرُه

21. He named it with the generosity that ennobled
His family and his pulpit

٢١. وَسَمَا به الكرَمُ الذي شَرُفَتْ
فيه أسِرَّتُه ومِنبَرُه

22. It's like Jerusalem or a constellation
Its dignity instilled reverence in it

٢٢. وكأنَّ قُدْساً أو مَتالِعَه
وهبَ الوَقارَ له تَوَقُّرُه

23. The cloud of wrath has darkened it
While the moon of good news made it luminous

٢٣. ومَغيمُ يومِ السُّخطِ مُظلِمُه
ومُضئُ ليلِ البِشْرِ مُقْمِرُه

24. It's as if he sees the unseen
And dispatches and delivers command

٢٤. وكأنَّه في الغَيْبِ مُطَّلِعٌ
للأمْرِ يُورِدُهُ ويُصْدِرُه

25. If fingers trembled in caution
The healing of his grip soothed them

٢٥. وإذا الأنامِلُ أُرْعِشَتْ حذَراً
فشِفاءُ من عَلِقَتْهُ خِنصَرُه

26. And if a speaker faltered in anxiety
Confounded, his reasoning failed him

٢٦. وإذا تَلَجلَجَ قائلٌ حَصَراً
وأماتَ حجَّتَه تَحَيُّرُه

27. It struck the hearing with truth, not aided
By its clarity, his thinking

٢٧. فَتَقَ المَسامِعَ بالصَّوابِ ولم
تُنْجِدْ بَديهتَه تَفَكُّرُه

28. From where no complex meaning obstructs it
Or terms that muddy it

٢٨. من حيث لا معنىً يُعَقِّدُه
عَيّاً ولا لفظٌ يُكدِّرُه

29. And all gracious speech is a lie
Except speech about him you prefer

٢٩. وحديث كل سماحة كذب
إلا حديث عنه تؤثره

30. So when his envious foe denied
Its clouds and seas bore witness

٣٠. فمَتى أرادَ الجَحْدَ حاسِدُه
شَهِدَتْ غَمائمُهُ وأبحرُه

31. If he sank in the land with a tumultuous sea
Nothing but the sword could cross it

٣١. وإذا طَمَى في البَرِّ بحرُ وغىً
لا شَئَ إلا السَّيفَ مَعبَرُه

32. You saw an army of aid alive
When its camp awoke

٣٢. أبصرْتَ عسكرَ نجدةٍ بِحَياً
منه إذا ما شامَ عَسكَرُه

33. No armor but courage
And nothing but resolve its forgiveness

٣٣. لا درعه إلا سطاه ولا
شيء سوى الإقدام مغفره

34. Where the oryx stumbles in the dunes
And the dawn is as obscure as night

٣٤. حيثُ الظُّبا بالهامِ عاثرَةٌ
والصُّبحُ مثلُ اللَّيلِ عِثْيَرُه

35. Its white warriors fell its foes with blows
And its brown ones slay them with stabs

٣٥. يُرْدي العِدا بالضَّرْبِ أبيضُه
ويُبيدُهُم بالطَّعْنِ أسمرُه

36. The flock of Haditha, since it protected them
Is safe from whoever would startle it

٣٦. سِربُ الحَديثةِ مُنْذُ صِينَ به
في مأمنٍ ممَّن يُنفِّرُه

37. If more than it passes and frightens them
The forest repels it with its lion

٣٧. إن زادَ عنها ما يُرَوِّعُها
فالغابُ يدفعُ عنه قَسْوَرُه

38. May he live triumphant and have
For him, forever prosperous, his fortune

٣٨. فَلْيَحْيَ في ظَفَرٍ وعاشَ له
في نَعمَةٍ أبداً مُظفَّرُه

39. The blessings of his birth exalted
His happiness and purified him

٣٩. ولَدٌ عَلَتْ بَركاتُ مَولِدِه
سَعْداً وطهَّرَه مُطَهِّرُه

40. Matching his father in generosity and refuge
And portraying him, his mirror and confidant

٤٠. ضاهي أباه سماحةً وحِجىً
وحكاه مَرآه ومَخبَرُه

41. O father of bravery, leader of dew
His vine flourished and its essence prospered

٤١. أَ أَبا شجاعٍ يا عَقيدَ ندىً
كَرْمَتْ أَرومَتُه وعُنصرُه

42. God knows how I praise what
You granted me and how I thank you

٤٢. اللهُ يعلمُ كيفَ أحمَدُ ما
أولَيْتَنيه وكيفَ أشكرُه

43. Your call is unforgettable in its promises
So I need not remember it

٤٣. ونَداكَ لا تُنسى مَواعِدُه
كَرَماً فما أحتاجُ أذكُرُه

44. But favor you offer
Is worthier than delaying it

٤٤. لكنَّ إحساناً تُقدِّمُه
أَولى به ممّا تؤخِّرُه

45. And if assistance flows from you
My praise of you overflows it

٤٥. ومَدَاكَ إن جادَ المَداءُ بهِ
غَمْرَ الثناءِ نداكَ يغمُرُه