
The night that we spent on the mountain slope,

ما ضر ليلتنا بسفح محجر

1. The night that we spent on the mountain slope,
Would have been prolonged had the morning light tarried.

١. ما ضَرَّ ليلتَنا بسَفْحِ مُحَجِّرِ
لو باعَدَتْ سَفَرَ الصَّباحِ المُسفِرِ

2. Our embrace swayed like two branches amidst
The fresh verdure and bloom of youth.

٢. باتَ العِناقُ يَهُزُّ من أعطافِنا
غُصُنَين في وَرقِ الشَّبابِ الأخضرِ

3. Accustomed were they to the wine being passed around,
And to the blossoming garden of delightful tales.

٣. إلفانِ وِرْدُهُما المُدامُ على الظَّما
وجَناهُما زَهْرُ الحديثِ الأَزهَرِ

4. Do not deny the throbbing of an ardent heart,
Startled by the snorting of the shy gazelles.

٤. لا تُنْكِري خَفَقانَ قلبٍ خافقٍ
نَفَرَتْ به غِيدُ الظِّباءِ النُّفَّرِ

5. A virtuous day it was, that quenched
The burning thirst with its plentiful showers.

٥. شَرفاً من الأَيَّامِ يوماً صالحاً
شفَيا به حَرَّ الجَوى المُتسَعِّرِ

6. The nights hurry by, departing with pleasant living,
Swifter than the fleetest of steeds.

٦. للهِ صادرةُ الَّليالي إنها
صدرَتْ بطيبِ العَيْشِ أسرعَ مَصدَرِ

7. When the whims of yearning stir within me,
And the fond memories of the past return.

٧. عندي لعا نَفَسُ المَشوقِ إذا جرَتْ
خَطَراتُهنَّ وأَنَّةُ المُتذَكِّرِ

8. Many a hand she clasped with mine,
Passing the ruby-red wine between us.

٨. ولربَّ ساقٍ توَّجَتْ يدُه يدي
بإناءِ ياقوتِ المُدامِ الأحمرِ

9. I disclosed my passion, intoxicated with love,
Content, betraying no hint of deception.

٩. وغَريرةٍ جاهرْتُ غَيرانَ الهَوى
بوِصالِها فنَعِمْتُ غيرَ مُغرَّرِ

10. Days when my cloak used to drag behind me,
Scorned by the self-righteous and the ascetic.

١٠. أيامَ كان رِدايَ يَفضُلُ قامتي
فتُذالُ في عُرْفِ الصِّبا والمُنكَرِ

11. Gardens that captivated me with their cool shade,
As if their creeping plants exuded ambergris.

١١. وحدائقٍ يَسبيكَ وَشْيُ بُرودِها
حتَّى تَسُبَّ لها سبائبَ عَبقَرِ

12. The breeze blowing through them was as though
It drew its excess from robes of camphor.

١٢. يَجري النَّسيمُ خِلالَها وكأنَّما
غُمسَتْ فضولُ ردائِهِ في العَنْبَرِ

13. Hearts in that abode throbbed amongst themselves
Like the fluttering standards of rain-laden clouds.

١٣. باتَتْ قلوبُ المَحْلِ تَخفِقُ بينَها
كَخُفُوقِ راياتِ السَّحابِ المُمطِرِ

14. In every secluded nook, veiled
By luminous lightning, brilliant and flashing.

١٤. من كلِّ نائي الحُجرَتَيْنِ مُقنَّعٍ
بالبَرقِ داني الطُّرَّتَيْنِ مُشَهَّرِ

15. Challenged by thunderous voices,
Passing amidst the warbling and the roaring.

١٥. تُحدَى بألسنةِ الرُّعودِ عِشارُه
فتسيرُ بين مُغَرِّدٍ ومُزَمْجِرِ

16. The bubbly shards of its lightning crackled,
Ripping through the pregnant clouds, yellow and blue.

١٦. طارَتْ عقيقةُ بَرْقِهِ فكأنَّما
صَدَعَتْ ممسَّكَ غيمِه بِمُعَصفَرِ

17. The garden shimmered 'neath the sparkling dewdrops
Dotted with flowers, bejeweled and embroidered.

١٧. فالرَّوْضُ بينَ مُزَنَّرٍ ومُدَنَّرٍ
فيها وبينَ مُسيَّرٍ ومُحبَّرِ

18. Treachery lurked in its corners,
Like silver coins dazzling in their dispersal.

١٨. والغُدْرُ في أرجائِه مَصقولةٌ
مثلَ الدراهمِ أشرَقَتْ في مَنْثَرِ

19. As if it had unveiled for the blossoming of its flowers,
The palm of a generous prince, perfumed and hennaed.

١٩. وكأنَّما عرضَت لزاهرِ زَهرِها
كفُّ الأميرِ بعارضٍ مُتَعَنْجِرِ

20. A king who, when he stretched out his five fingers
In munificence, released five seas of generosity.

٢٠. مَلِكٌ إذا ما مَدَّ خَمسَ أناملٍ
في الجُودِ فاضَ بهنَّ خمسةُ أبحرِ

21. You would meet him on a day of calamity, a tested warrior;
And on a day of peace, a prince of the pulpit.

٢١. تَلقاه يومَ الرَّوْعِ فارسَ مَعَركٍ
ضَنْكٍ ويومَ السِّلمِ فارسَ مِنبَرِ

22. His clouds weep while his good tidings smile -
His cheer excels even the cheerful.

٢٢. تَبكي سحائبُه ويضحَكُ بْشْرُهُ
فنوالُهُ من ضاحكٍ مُستَعبِر

23. Branching out from a starry ancestry,
He and magnanimity have a common root.

٢٣. متفرِّعٌ من دَوْحَةٍ عَدَوِيَّةٍ
هي والسَّماحُ تَفرَّعَا من عُنصُرِ

24. He forced the hand of fate; his swords ruptured
The arrogance of the despots.

٢٤. جبرَ الوليَّ نواله وتناهَبتْ
أسيافُه جَبَرِيِّةَ المتجبِّرِ

25. Like a shooting star, he illuminated a group of people,
While striking another group, targeting them.

٢٥. مثلُ الشِّهابِ أضاءَ حِلَّةَ مَعْشَرٍ
بحريقِهِ وأصابَ حِلَّةَ معشَرِ

26. Noble, to those who oppose him, he says, "Be dejected";
And eminent, to those who rival him, he says, "Be defeated".

٢٦. شَرَفُ يقولُ لمن يُناوِئُه اكتئِبْ
وَعُلىً يقول لمن يُجاريه اخْسَرِ

27. And a hand that equals people in its goodness -
The hand of the destitute reaches it, and the wealthy.

٢٧. ويدٌ تَساوى الناسُ في معروفِها
فيدُ المُقِلِّ تنالُه والمُكثِر

28. O pillar of pillars, your length has conquered the conquerors,
Your carpenter has affixed the stars.

٢٨. يا تغلبَ الغلباءِ طُلْتِ بِطَوْله
ونِجارِه قِممَ الكواكبِ فافْخري

29. Adorned with a collar that circles all praise,
Clad in the fur coat of perfections, embellished.

٢٩. بمُطوَّقٍ طوْقَ المحامدِ ساحبٍ
بُرْدَ المكارمِ بالثَّناءِ مُسَوَّرِ

30. The loftiest temptation on the battlefield,
The word of swords splitting open the breastplate of amnesty.

٣٠. وأغَرُّ مُغرىً بالصُّفوفِ يَشُقُّها
وظُبا السُّيوفِ يشقُّ جيبَ المِغْفَرِ

31. A noble one whose weapons clamor -
His blows like a cleaver's, his thrusts like a skewer's.

٣١. كَرٌّ أعلَّ سِلاحَه فضِرابُه
بمثلَّمٍ وطِعانُه بِمكسَّرِ

32. Abu Al Hayja's quarter was blessed by your grace,
A thread attached to you, lasting seven eras.

٣٢. عمرَتْ أبا الهيجاءِ ربعَك نِعمةٌ
موصولةٌ بكَ عُمْرَ سبعةِ أنسُرِ

33. And Tayyiba's breeze quenched you, as though
The Kawthar's goblets were tilting towards you.

٣٣. وسقَتْكَ طَيِّبةَ النَّسيمِ كأنَّما
تَهمي عليك بها حياضُ الكَوْثَرِ

34. I stayed up the night you were upset with me,
And tasted no sleep - for how can one sleep when blamed?

٣٤. أسهرْتَ ليلي إذ عَتَبتَ فلَم أَذُقْ
غُمضاً ومَنْ تَعتُبْ عليه يَسْهرِ

35. Had you not hidden your face from me, I would not
Have endured the advent of such an ugly incident.

٣٥. لو لم تكن متنكِّراً لي لم أكُن
لأَذُمَّ صَرْفَ الحادثِ المُتنكِّرِ

36. When blamed by the likes of you, composure deserts me -
I cannot restrain myself or exercise patience.

٣٦. وإذا رُميتُ بعَتْبِ مثلِك خانَني
جَلَدي فلم أصبِرْ ولم أتصبَّرِ

37. You forget the many praises I adorned you with,
Lasting forevermore, for as long as life remains.

٣٧. أنَسِيتَ غُرَّ مدائحٍ حلَّيتُها
بعُلاكَ باقيةً بَقاءَ الأَدْهُرِ

38. Laudations dawn upon you, lovers at dawn,
And they leave you, extractors, at dusk.

٣٨. تغدو عليك من الثَّناءِ بناهدٍ
معشوقَةٍ وتروحُ منك بمُعصِر

39. Rejections that blossomed and spread - as though
Their leaves were inscribed with musky saffron.

٣٩. بِدَعٌ تضوَّع نَشْرُها فكأنَّما
كُتِبَتْ صَحائِفُها بمِسْكِ أذفرِ

40. Yet I have not earned your anger by any wrongdoing,
Nor did I boycott you to deserve boycott.

٤٠. هذا ولم أَجْنِ القبيحَ فأجتني
غَضَباً ولم أَهجُرْ لديك فُأهْجَرِ

41. Rather, I have mounted great sins,
And I hope for your pardon. So forgive me and excuse me!

٤١. بل قد ركِبتُ من الذُّنوبِ عظيمَها
ورجوتُ عفوَكَ فاعْفُ عني واغفِرِ

42. Indeed, my cheek was deliberately struck by his arrows,
By a calumniator who deliberately disgraced me.

٤٢. فلقد تعمَّدَ ثَغرتي بِسهامِه
واشٍ تعمَّدَني بقُبْح المَحضَرِ

43. O master of affairs! I called upon you, grateful -
Whether you grant or deny, your action is appreciated.

٤٣. يا سَيِّدَ الأُمَرا دعوْتُكَ شاكراً
إن تُعْطِ أو تَحرِمْ صنيعُكَ يُشكَرِ

44. And you who are granted success by your support -
Even if others gain dominance tomorrow, they will not be granted success.

٤٤. ومُظَفَّرٍ بِنَدَى يَديْكَ ولو غَدا
بالحمدِ غيرُكَ عادَ غيرَ مظفَّرِ

45. Mars sparked its misfortunes,
While Jupiter's fortunes disappeared for him.

٤٥. أذكَى له المِرِّيخُ جَمْرَ نُحوسِه
وتَغَّيَبَتْ عنه سُعودُ المُشتَري

46. Misfortunes whose flames encircled him,
The fires of the white swords, or the sparks of the brown.

٤٦. نُوَبٌ أَطَرْنَ عليه شُعلةَ أبيضٍ
عَضبِ المَضاربِ أو شرارةَ أسمَرِ

47. The blond one threw him with her coldness, as though
It could withstand the valiant, brisk steed.

٤٧. ورمَتْ به شقراءُ تَحْسِبُ بُردَها
يَنقَدُّ من شِيَةِ الجَوادِ الأشقَرِ

48. She pelts with the red embers, as if
Her sides were being pelted with red roses.

٤٨. ترمي بمُحمَرِّ الشَّرارِ كأنَّما
تُرمَى جوانبُها بوردٍ أحمَرِ

49. She draped over him, touching,
Some yellow silk - in between adorned and embroidered.

٤٩. خلَعَتْ عليه من الحريرِ يَلامِقاً
صُفْراً فبينَ مُحلَّلٍ ومُزرَّرِ

50. For time is astonished at what has befallen him -
That the lesser hell did not shatter him.

٥٠. فالدَّهرُ يعجَبُ منه لَمَّا مسَّه
بِجَهنَّمَ الصُّغرى فلم يَتفطَّرِ

51. It was an affliction that had been the burnisher
Of a balanced one, or the polish of an educated one.

٥١. هِيَ وَعكَةٌ كانت ثِقافَ مُقوَّمٍ
لَدْنَ المَهَزَّةِ أو صِقالَ مُذكَّرِ

52. A crown whose brilliance returned
After eclipse, like the full moon's separation from the beholder.

٥٢. تاجٌ كبَدْرِ التَّمِّ عادَ ضِياؤُهُ
بعدَ الكُسوفِ فِراقَ عينِ المُبْصِرِ

53. Or like the sword - burnishing its blade
Until pure water trickled from its jewels.

٥٣. أو كالحُسامِ جَلا الصيَّاقلُ مَتْنَهُ
حتى ترقَرقَ منه ماءُ الجَوهَرِ

54. Indeed, when glory is attained gradually,
Purity is achieved, and the appearance becomes fresher.

٥٤. إنَّ النُّضارَ إذا تَتابعَ سَبْكُهُ
خَلَصَ النُّضَارُ وزادَ نَضْرَةَ مَنْظَرِ

55. So let the enemies suppress or be grateful,
Since they plotted that which was not destined.

٥٥. فَلْيُكْمَدِ الأعداءُ أو فَلْيَحْمَدوا
إذ قدَّروا فيه الذي لم يُقْدَرِ