
The charm and sweetness of wine avoided me,

تجنبني حسن المدام وطيبها

1. The charm and sweetness of wine avoided me,
My soul grew thirsty and its pallor prolonged.

١. تَجنَّبَني حُسْنُ المُدامِ وطيبُها
فقد ظَمِئَتْ نفسي وطال شُحوبُها

2. My circumstances, if time would treat them kindly,
Would not spend the night depressed and gloomy.

٢. وعندي ظُروفٌ لو تَظَرَّفَ دَهرُها
لَمَا باتَ مُغْرىً بالكآبةِ كُوبُها

3. The dishevelment of empty flasks is as though
They're the chests of men, left devoid of their hearts.

٣. وشُعْثُ دِنانٍ خاوياتٍ كأنَّها
صُدورُ رجالٍ فارقَتْها قلوبُها

4. I bid you drink not like the rain clouds, for you
Are the foremost cure, and the healer of its need.

٤. فسُقياكَ لا سُقْيا السَّحابِ فإنَّها
هيَ العِلَّةُ القُصوى وأنتَ طبيبُها