1. A home whose dwellers are guarded by modesty,
Yet the Bedouins exceed its bounty and prosperity.
١. ومَنزلٍ يَتحامى أهلَه الخَفَرُ
ويَفْضُلُ البَدْوَ في نَعمائِهِ الحَضَرُ
2. Among its people are their likes who became estranged,
In dress, though not in form should they keep apart.
٢. فيه معَ الناسِ أشباهٌ لهم بَعُدَتْ
في الزِّيِّ عنهنَّ إنْ لم تَبعُدِ الصُّوَرُ
3. Some bare males as vigorous as the males within it,
And some females dressed in patterned gowns.
٣. فَمِنْ ذكورٍ عُراةٍ كالذُّكورِ به
ومن إناثٍ عليها الوَشْيُ والحِبَرُ
4. Marvels gentled the minds of their creator,
Until from the water within it burst forth the rock.
٤. بَدائِعٌ لَطُفَتْ أفكارُ مُبْدِعِها
حتّى تَفجَّرَ عن ماءٍ بها الحَجَرُ
5. Each of its walls is an idol,
Each of its ceilings a moon.
٥. فكلُّ ناحيةٍ من جُدْرِه صَنَمٌ
وكلُّ ناحيةٍ من سَقْفِه قَمَرُ
6. Secluded from the people within it is bounty described,
For every sweet comfort to it seems bitter.
٦. صَفَتْ عن الناسِ فيه نَعْمَةٌ وُصِفَتْ
فكلُّ صَفْوِ نَعيمٍ عندَها كدَرُ