1. I called to the regretful at dusk
When daylight had unveiled night's cloak,
١. ونَدمانٍ دَعَوْتُ إلى العُقارِ
وقد فضحَ الدُّجى ضَوْءَ النَّهارِ
2. Saying, "Will you not rise for a bride
Who came in a dress of spangled stars?"
٢. فقلتُ ألا تقومُ إلى عروسٍ
أَتتْ في حُلَّةٍ من جُلَّنارِ
3. He rose, but his limbs were leaden,
His eyelids heavy with the veil of sleep.
٣. فقامَ وفي جوارحِه فُتورٌ
وفي أجفانِه سِنَةُ الخُمارِ
4. His gaze told those who saw it
What the juice of the poppy had stolen of his color.
٤. ومُقلتُه تخبِّرُ مَنْ رَآها
بما سرَقَتْه من لونِ العُقارِ