
I hope for fruits that I do not harvest

أروم منك ثمارا لست أجنيها

1. I hope for fruits that I do not harvest
And I await a situation that has loosened its knots

١. أرومُ مِنك ثِماراً لستُ أجنِيها
وأَرتجي الحالَ قد حُلَّتْ أواخِيها

2. I entrust to God a void in you that I fill
With affection, and He expands me with fabrications and pretense

٢. أستودعُ الله خُلاًّ مِنك أُوسِعُه
وُدّاً ويُوسِعُني غِشاً وتَمويها

3. It's as if my secret within His bowels is a flame
So it cannot bear any patches for its peripheries

٣. كأنَّ سِرِّيَ في أحشائِه لَهَبٌ
فما تُطيقُ له طَيّاً حَواشِيها

4. Your chest had been a trunk for secrets
Stingy with what its edges conceal

٤. قد كانَ صدرُك للأسرارِ جَندلَةً
ضَنِينةً بالذي تُخفِي نَواحِيها

5. So it became, from the diffusion of what you entrusted, a gem
Delicate, that the eye examines what is in it

٥. فصارَ مِن بَثِّ ما اسُتودِعْتَ جَوهرةً
رقيقةً تَسْتَشِفُّ العَينُ ما فِيها