
I may oversleep before the obligatory dawn prayer

قد أغتدي قبل وجوب الفرض

1. I may oversleep before the obligatory dawn prayer
And my eyelids may bid farewell to the sweet slumber

١. قد أَغتدي قبلَ وُجوبِ الفَرضِ
والجَفْنُ قد وَدَّعَ طيبَ الغُمْضِ

2. The horizon's lightning is like a faint pulse
As if it were a weak vein's throbbing

٢. وبارقُ الأُفْقِ كليلُ الوَمْضِ
كأنَّه عِرْقٌ ضَعيفُ النَّبْضِ

3. With the eyes of the faithful of perfect vision
Of abundant generosity and protected honor

٣. بكلِّ وافي الطَّرَفَينِ مَحْضِ
مُبْتَذَلِ الوَفْرِ مَصونِ العِرْضِ

4. They set up for the vicious aggressor
A foreleg that bites whichever leg dares to bite

٤. قد نَصَبوا للحائنِ المُنقَضِّ
قِدّاً يَعَضُّ السَّاقَ أيَّ عَضِّ

5. The weakness of eyes that were not malicious
With burrows that dug into the ground

٥. ضُعْفَ عُيونٍ لم تُشَنْ بِغَضِّ
لها مَآقٍ رَسَبَتْ في الأرضِ

6. Their restless flutter in distress and scattering
Striking some of its feathers against others

٦. طارِقُها في قَلَقٍ ونَفْضِ
يَضْرِبُ بعضَ ريشِهِ ببَعْضِ

7. Between a perilous ascent and descent
And a rise that benefits not from the rise

٧. بينَ عُلُوٍّ مُوبقٍ وخَفْضِ
ونَهْضِ لا مُنتَفعٍِ بِنَهْضِ

8. So it cast with outstretched hand in grasping
And it held back the innocent to the enjoyment

٨. فكم رَمَتْ ذا بَسْطَةٍ ِبقَبْضِ
وأمسكَتْ بِكراً على مُفتَضِّ

9. Of a hasty one who fettered its wrist freely
O you who are a means of cheap provision

٩. معاجِلٍ سِوارَها بِفَضِّ
يا لَكِ من آلةِ رِزْقٍ غَضِّ

10. Filling the hands of a guide and satisfying

١٠. تملأُ كفَّيْ رائدٍ وتُرضي