1. When the night receded in its withdrawal
And the dawn's light shone from its horizon
١. لَمَّا أَجَدَّ اللَّيلُ في انحيازِه
ولاحَ ضَوْءُ الصُّبحِ من أَعْجازِه
2. I called Saad, so he came with his falcon
Bearing good fortune on its hooded glove
٢. دعَوْتُ سَعْداً فأتى ببَازِه
تَحمِلُ يُسراهُ على قُفَّازِه
3. Guaranteeing ample prey within its grasp
A shame the weakness of birds in their refuge
٣. ضَامِنَ زادٍ جَدَّ في إحرازِه
نَدْباً هوانُ الطَّيرِ في إعزازِه
4. Its peers recoil from its piercing talons
Seizing the moment in its fervent rush
٤. أقرانُه تَنكِلُ عن بِرازِه
يُبادِرُ الفُرصةَ في انتهازِه
5. As if it went to a cloth-seller's shop
Where the falconer fitted it with its plume
٥. كأنما راحَ إلى بَزَّازِه
فابتزَّه المَوشِيَّ من طِرازِه
6. So it hunted before the unleashed dash
Fifty mourning doves within its clinched hunt
٦. فصادَ قبلَ الشَّدِّ في اجتيازِه
خمسينَ حُزناهُنَّ باحتيازِه
7. What good deeds it did were never matched
Nor a promise left unfulfilled in its pact
٧. ما أسلفَ البِرَّ فَلمْ يُجازِه
ولا خلا في الوَعدِ من إنجازِه