
Is patience truly glorious when I don the armor of patience,

هل الصبر مجد حين أدرع الصبرا

1. Is patience truly glorious when I don the armor of patience,
And is there a supporter for poetry who will support it widely?

١. هَلِ الصَّبرُ مُجْدٍ حينَ أدَّرِعُ الصَّبْرا
وهل ناصرٌ للشِّعْرِ يُوسِعُه نَصْرا

2. My poetry has been distorted, O Ibn Fahd, by a wrongdoer
So I have been destroyed by it, yet it has enriched him,

٢. تَحَيَّفَ شِعْري يا ابنَ فهدٍ مُصالِتٌ
ظلومٌ فقد أُعدِمْتُ منه وقد أَثرَى

3. And every day the foolish ones raid
My veiled, delicate words, frightening them,

٣. وفي كلِّ يومٍ لِلْغَبِيَّيْنِ غارَةٌ
تُرَوِّعُ ألفاظي المحجَّلةَ الغُرَّا

4. If a meaning smiles at me, its wording laughs
As the traitor laughed in his treacherous garden,

٤. إذا عَنَّ لي مَعنىً تَضاحَكَ لَفظُه
كما ضاحَكَ النُّوَّارُ في رَوْضِه الغُدْرا

5. Strange like a line of lightning when
Its images smiled at the mind, so I made it a line,

٥. غَريبٌ كَسَطْرِ البَرْقِ لَمَّا تبسَّمَتْ
مَخائِلُه للفِكْرِ أودَعْتُه سَطرا

6. So a cheek of youths he wipes his cheek
And a chest of people he settles his chest,

٦. فوَجهٌ من الفتيانِ يمسَحُ وَجهَه
وصَدْرٌ من الأقوامِ يُسكِنُهُ صَدْرا

7. A destroyer, ignorant, took it,
Forgiven for his lack of wisdom when he cast off propriety,

٧. تناوَلَهُ مُثْرٍ من الجَهْلِ مُعْدِمٌ
من الحِلْمِ معذورٌ متى خَلعَ العُذرا

8. So he made remote what I brought near in ignorance
And he made difficult what I made easy of its expression and meter,

٨. فبعَّدَ ما قَرَّبْتُ منه غَباوَةً
ورَدَّدَ ما سهَّلْتُ من لَفْظِهِ وَعْرا

9. So wait, Abu Othman, wait, for indeed,
It is only those who love poetry who envy the poems,

٩. فمهلاً أبا عثمان مهلاً فإنَّما
يَغارُ على الأشعارِ مَنْ عَشِقَ الشَّعْرا

10. I would have extinguished all those stars entirely,
And I would have defiled those glances and visits,

١٠. لأّطفأتُما تلك النُّجومَ بأَسرِها
ودنَّستُما تلكَ المَطارِفَ والأُزْرا

11. Woe unto you! Why not be content with half
And leave me some of its beauties half?

١١. فوَيحَكُما هلاَّ بِشَطْرٍ قَنِعتُما
وأبقَيْتُما لي من مَحاسِنِها شَطرا

12. If my palm misses Sa'eed bin Hashim,
Then it has attained from my poetry his being cut off.

١٢. لَئِنْ وَتَرَتْ كَفِّي سعيدَ بنَ هاشمٍ
فقد نالَ من شِعْري بغارَتِه الوِترا