
Welcome to the guest who left the darkness

أهلا به من عارض ترك الدجى

1. Welcome to the guest who left the darkness
With his shining white appearance, a speckled crow

١. أهلاً به من عارِضٍ تَرَكَ الدُّجَى
ببَياضِ مُزنْتِهِ غُراباً أبقَعا

2. The hand of the winds scattered the pearls of his snow
So it appeared with the branches' palms embellished

٢. نَثَرَتْ يَدُ الأرياحِ لُؤلُؤَ ثَلْجِه
فَبدا بأجيادِ الغُصونِ مُرَصَّعا

3. As if the flashes of his lightning had played
With its clouds, so it threw at them, fragmented

٣. وكأنَّما عَبِثَتْ لوامِعُ بَرْقِه
بِسَحابِهِ فرَمَتْ به فَتَقَطَّعا