
Imagination does not disappear, seeking your union eagerly.

أما الخيال فما يغب طروقا

1. Imagination does not disappear, seeking your union eagerly.
It fulfilled loyalty, never ceasing to be truly the cheek's dimple.

١. أمَّا الخيالُ فما يَغُبُّ طُروقا
يَدنو بوصلِكَ شائقاً ومَشُوقا

2. It departed after preventing the eyelids from closing in slumber,
A heart, remembering you, knows no rest or sleep.

٢. وافى فحقَّقَ لي الوَفاءَ ولم يَزَلْ
خِدْنُ الصَّبابةِ بالوفاءِ حَقيقا

3. Is our pact to the beloved's agony returning?
So union with her will again be intimate?

٣. ومضى وقد منعَ الجُفونَ خُفوقَها
قَلبٌ لذكرِكَ لا يَقَرُّ خُفُوقا

4. The days of your union in youth were unknown,
With ignorance the night-comer found no road.

٤. هل عهْدُنا بِلوَى الشَّقيقَةِ راجِعٌ
فيعودَ لي فيه الوِصالُ شَقيقا

5. I love the graceful, soft-cheeked youth,
And visit, lovingly, the fresh-faced tender one.

٥. أيامَ وَصلُكَ في الصَّبابَةِ مَجْهلاً
لا يَعرِفُ السُّلوانُ فيه طريقا

6. The clouds carried him gently away, his gown
Becoming, with the zephyr's gown, thin.

٦. أَهْوَى أنيقَ الحُسْنِ مُقَتبِلَ الصِّبا
وَأَزُورُ مُخضَرَّ الجَنابِ أَنيقا

7. It was a trick of fate, betraying passion
After loyalty, clouded and dejected.

٧. راحَ الغمامُ به صَفيقاً ثوبُه
وغدا به ثوبُ النَّسيمِ رَقيقا

8. I do not notice the days for a moment, downcast,
Until our days return, long hoped-for.

٨. هِيَ غَدرَةٌ للدَّهرِ غادَرَتِ الهَوى
بعدَ الوفاءِ مكدَّراً مَطروقا

9. Ships sailing from the darkness before dawn
As arrows shot from a tightly-drawn bow.

٩. لا ألحَظُ الأيامَ لَحظَةَ وامقٍ
حتى يُعيدَ زَمانَنا المَوموقا

10. Dawn, its mantle polished, as though it were
A gown of red Yemenite leather, amply dyed.

١٠. ورَكائبٌ يَخرُجْنَ مِنْ غَلَسِ الدُّجى
مثلَ السِّهامِ مَرَقْنَ منه مُروقا

11. Are those lightning-flashes in Syria a cloud
Or flashes of the prince's good tidings?

١١. والفَجرُ مَصقولُ الرِّداءِ كأنَّه
جِلبابُ خُوْدٍ أشبَعَتْهُ خَلُوقا

12. A king, whose right hand is generous with pardons,
Grief, and whose swords spread justice widely.

١٢. أغَمامَةٌ بالشَّامِ شِمْنَ بُروقَها
أم شِمْنَ من بِشْرِ الأميرِ بُروقا

13. He meets dew with a bright, joyous face,
And when the two hosts meet they are reconciled.

١٣. مَلِكٌ تُسَهَّلُ بالسَّماحِ يمينُه
حَزناً وتُوسِعُ بالصَّوارِمِ ضيِقا

14. Capacious his abode while he dwells, but if he travels
He leaves the desert constricted, narrow.

١٤. يَلقى النَّدى برقيقِ وَجْهٍ مُسفرٍ
فإذا التَقَى الجمعانِ عادَ صَفِيقا

15. He never ceased to rise in the thickets, raiding the foe
At dawn, and to march by night with his dove-flocks.

١٥. رَحْبُ المنازِلِ ما أقامَ فإن سرَى
في جَحْفَلٍ تَرَكَ الفَضاءَ مَضِيقا

16. When he set out for glory, he attained its radiant dawn,
While men attained only its dim afterglow.

١٦. ما انفَكَّ يَطلُعُ بالحُتوفِ على العِدا
صُبْحَا ويَطْرُقُ بالحِمامِ طُروقا

17. And when the sea of calamities tested him,
He destroyed those who opposed him, drowned.

١٧. فإذا جرى للمجدِ نالَ صَبوحَه
سبقاً ونالَ الناسُ منه غَبُوقا

18. Gently, enemies of the faith! Your adversary
Has a nature disposing foes with compelling.

١٨. وإذا طمى بحرُ الكَريهَةِ خاضَه
فأماتَ مَنْ عاداه فيه غَريقا

19. I warn you, defender of Truth! He sees only
The keen edges of swords exacting dues.

١٩. مَهْلاً عُداةَ الدِّينِ إنَّ لخَصمِكُم
خُلقاً بإرغامِ العدوِّ خَلِيقا

20. His resolves closed the mountain passes, and his
Judgments allied with success and right guidance.

٢٠. أنذرتُكُم حامي الحَقيقَةِ لا يَرى
إلا لِمُرْهَفَةِ السُّيوفِ حُقوقا

21. He flung the lands of the Byzantines with a resolve
Still gleaming at dawn in the darkness.

٢١. سَدَّتْ عَزائِمهُ الثُّغورَ وحالفَتْ
آراؤُه التَّسديدَ والتَّوفيقا

22. The spheres of his power groaned in a glittering assault
Dazzling eyes with its flashing.

٢٢. ورمَى بِلادَ الرُّومِ بالعَزْمِ الذي
ما زالَ صُبحاً في الظَّلامِ فَتِيقا

23. A host, when the enemy met its breasts,
Found no refuge for retreat.

٢٣. رَزَحَتْ مخائِلُ بأسِه في عارضٍ
مُتألِّقٍ يَغْشى العُيونَ بَريقا

24. Eclipsed for it was the sun, while the sun
Of iron shone on its flanks, rising.

٢٤. جيشٌ إذا لاقَى العدُوُّ صُدورَه
لم تَلْقَ للأعجازِ منه لُحُوقا

25. He emptied their strongholds, seized their loot
By force, and scattered their horde dispersed.

٢٥. حُجِبَتْ له شَمْسُ النَّهارِ وأشرَقَتْ
شَمْسُ الحديدِ بجانِبَيْهِ شُروقا

26. That plain was clad in blood by him, while
Those valleys blazed in conflagration.

٢٦. أخلى معاقِلَهم وحازَ نِهابَهُم
قَسْراً وفَرَّقَ جَمْعَهُمْ تَفريقا

27. He bent his steeds, their flanks gashed,
And plied his swords, cleft and split.

٢٧. فتضرَّجَتْ تلك البِطاحُ به دماً
وتضرَّمَتْ تلك الفِجاجُ حَريقا

28. Fate smiles, as though displaying by its gleaming
The pleasing dimples of a cheek.

٢٨. وثَنَى الجِيادَ يَشُقُّ جَيْبَ عَجاجِها
ومضَى السُّيوفَ فينثني مَشقوقا

29. A noble conquest, increasing guidance,
As error is increased by shameful disobedience.

٢٩. والدَّهْرُ مُبتَسِمٌ يروقُ كأنَّما
أبدى بطَلْعَتِهِ الثَّنايا الرُّوقا

30. Most High! How many choice favors you have granted!
You have been granted thereby a meaning in praise subtle.

٣٠. فَتْحٌ جَليلُ القَدْرِ زِيدَ به الهُدى
بِرّاً كما زِيدَ الضَّلالُ عُقُوقا

31. You have raised by it for Hayyan Taghlib a nobility
High-soaring, aspiring to highest place.

٣١. أعَليُّ كم نِعَمٍ مَنَحتَ جَليلَةٍ
مَنَحَتْكَ مَعنىً في الثَّناءِ دَقيقا

32. So I have surrendered to a generosity busying
A heart with love of the generous utterly.

٣٢. ونَدىً رفَعْتَ به لِحَيَّيْ تَغلبٍ
شَرَفاً أنافَ فعانقَ العَيُّوقا

33. My praise turns aside, it being a bouquet
Whose fragrance the keen-sensed freely inhale.

٣٣. فاسلَم لمَكْرْمَةٍ شَغَلَتْ بحبِّها
قلباً بحُبِّ المكرُماتِ عَلُوقا

34. I gleaned speech from it, then fashioned it into verse
As though gleaning sheer limpid honey from it.

٣٤. وتَمَلَّ مدحي إنه رَيحانَةٌ
نَفَحَتْ فباشَرَها اللَّبيبُ طَليقا

35. Formerly it was neglect, till your generosity
Became by your munificence a towering sign.

٣٥. شَعْشَعْتُ منه اللَّفْظَ ثم نَظَمْتُه
فكأنَّما شعشعتُ منه رَحيقَا

٣٦. قد كان غُفْلاً قبلَ جُودِكَ فَاغْتَدَى
عَلَماً بجُودِكَ في الوَرى مَرْمُوقا