1. Is there for the sick but the son of Qurrah a healer
After God, and who else can suffice?
١. هَلْ للعَليلِ سوى ابنِ قُرَّةَ شَافي
بعدَ الإلهِ وهل له من كافي
2. He revived for us the knowledge of philosophers that
Had perished and elucidated the outlines of pure medicine
٢. أحيا لنا عِلمَ الفَلاسِفَةِ الذي
أَودَى وأوضَحَ رَسمَ طُبٍّ عافي
3. So it is as if he were Jesus son of Mary speaking
Bestowing life in the easiest of ways
٣. فكأنَّه عيسى بنُ مريمَ ناطقاً
يَهَبُ الحياةَ بأيسَرِ الأوصافِ
4. My flasks appeared before him, and in them he saw
What was hidden within my organs and vessels
٤. مَثَلتْ له قارورَتي فرأى بها
ما اكتَنَّ بينَ جَوانِحي وشِغافي
5. The hidden illness appears to him as the ripple appeared
To the eye in the limpid pond
٥. يبدو له الدّاءُ الخَفِيُّ كَما بدا
للعَيْنِ رَضْراضُ الغديرِ الصافي