
Have the meteors or the daylight fascinated you?

أغرتك الشهاب أم النهار

1. Have the meteors or the daylight fascinated you?
And have the clouds or the seas given you comfort?

١. أَغُرَّتُكَ الشِّهابُ أَمِ النَّهارُ
وراحتُكَ السَّحابُ أَمِ البِحارُ

2. You were created to be a wish and a hope, so
The sands flutter around you, or circle.

٢. خُلِقْتَ مَنِيَّةً ومُنىً فأضحَتْ
تَمورُ بك البسيطةُ أو تُمارُ

3. You adorn religion or protect its sanctuary,
So you are for it armor or bracelets.

٣. تُحَلِّي الدينَ أو تَحمي حِماه
فأنتَ عليه سُورٌ أو سِوارُ

4. Your swords from the sheaths of frowns are innocent,
But for the enemies in them is destruction.

٤. سيوفُكَ من شَكاةِ الثَّغرِ بُرءٌ
ولكن للعِدا فيها بَوارُ

5. The clouds have sufficed you generous, flowing
With inside them water and fire.

٥. وكفَّاكَ الغَمامُ الجَوْدُ يَسْري
وفي أحشائِه ماءٌ ونارُ

6. A facility from its nature disasters,
And prosperity from its gifts the facility.

٦. يَسارٌ من سجيِّتِها المَنايا
ويُمنى ن عَطيَّتهِا اليَسارُ

7. You have eclipsed Hatim in generosity so
The most famous of his great deeds became disgrace.

٧. عَصَفْتَ بحاتمٍ كَرَماً فأضحَى
وجُلُّ فَعالِه المشهورِ عارُ

8. For loyalty has witnessed and not been biased for you
That generosity has you as its source.

٨. فقد شَهِدَتْ وما حابَتْكِ طيٌّ
بِأنَّ الجُودَ مَعدِنُه نِزارُ

9. Delegations come to you perfumed
With tranquility and dignity perfuming them.

٩. يَحُفُّ الوَفْدُ منك بأَرْيَحيٍّ
تَحُفُّ به السَّكينَةُ والوَقارُ

10. A sword from God's swords enticing
To shed the blood of enemies from it gushing.

١٠. وسيفٌ من سيوفِ اللهِ مُغرىً
بسَفْكِ دِما العِدا منه الغِرارُ

11. A full moon not content until the full moon
Is too exalted for shadows to envelop it.

١١. وبدرٌ ما استسرَّ البدرُ إلا
تعالَى أن يُحيطَ به السِّرارُ

12. We came while kings stand for it
Lowering their gazes in which is humiliation.

١٢. حضَرْنا والملوكُ به قِيامٌ
تَغُضُّ نواظراً فيها انكسارُ

13. We sought from it the lion of the jungle freely
And we never before sought a lion to match it.

١٣. وزُرْنا منه ليثَ الغابِ طَلْقاً
ولم نرَ قبلَه ليثاً يُزارُ

14. So the essence of glory was harmonious
And the essence of praise scattered about.

١٤. فكانَ لجوهرِ المَجدِ انتظامٌ
وكان لجوهرِ الحَمدِ انتثارُ

15. You sent to the borders clouds of justice
And generosity whose downpour does not cease.

١٥. بعثْتَ إلى الثُّغورِ سحابَ عدلٍ
وبَذلٍ لا يَغُبُّ له انهمارُ

16. You made tranquility reside in its plains
So it settled after stability was unattainable.

١٦. وأسكنْتَ السكينةَ ساحتَيها
فقرَّتْ بعدَما امتنعَ القَرارُ

17. You taught its mobilized men, whom
Their enemies' aversion from them made shun.

١٧. وعلَّمْتَ النَّفيرَ بها رجالاً
عَداهُم عن عدوِّهمُ نِفارُ

18. You bestowed upon their enemies, so we said:
Did the sea pour down or the rain pour?

١٨. وفِضْتَ على عدوِّهمُ فقُلنا
أفاضَ البحرُ أم سحَّ القُطارُ

19. Virtues that the eulogizer cannot match,
So most of their praise is to summarize.

١٩. مكارمُ يَعجَزُ المُدَّاحُ عنها
فجُلُّ مديحِهم فيها اختصارُ

20. You have lived with the highest wishes fulfilled,
And over the enemy you had the choices.

٢٠. فعِشتَ مخيَّراً أعلى الأماني
وكان على العدوِّ لك الخِيارُ

21. Your hospitality for the plentiful life is hospitality,
And your neighborhood for the open spring is neighborhood.

٢١. وضيفُكَ للحَيا المنهلِّ ضَيفٌ
وجارُكَ للرَّبيعِ الطَّلْقِ جارُ