
The staffs of India and cane are your brothers,

قضب الهند والقنا أخدانك

1. The staffs of India and cane are your brothers,
And measures in fairness are your aides,

١. قُضُبُ الهِنْدِ والقَنا أخدانُك
والمقاديرُ في العِدا أعوانُكْ

2. And the heights are gardens of your glance, and praise
When its flower blows is your basil.

٢. والمعالي رياضُ طَرْفِكَ والحم
دُ إذا راقَ زَهرُه رَيحانُكْ

3. Glory laughed in your time knowledgeably
That it will destroy what your time loved.

٣. ضَحِكَ المجدُ في زَمانِكَ عِلْماً
أنْ سَيُوطِيه ما أحبَّ زمانُك

4. O you of the Emir, your eyes have not gone blind,
Far from it, and not your eyelids,

٤. أيُّها ذا الأميرُ ما رَمِدَتْ عي
ناكَ حاشا لها ولا أجفانُك

5. But your noble deed depicted it, to make
Its status equal, and your status, in the Highest,

٥. بل حَكَتْ فِعْلَك الكَريمَ ليُضحي
شأنُها في العُلى سواءً وشانُك

6. So it blushes like your sword in battling
And clears like your kindness cleared.

٦. فهي تَحمَرُّ مثلَ سَيفِكَ في الرَّوْ
عِ وتَصْفُو كما صَفا إحسانُك