
Ibn Yusuf was described to me with every virtue,

وصف ابن يوسف لي بكل فضيلة

1. Ibn Yusuf was described to me with every virtue,
Yet when I saw him, I saw just the opposite.

١. وُصِفَ ابنُ يُوسفَ لي بكلِّ فَضيلةٍ
ورأيتُه فرأيتُ منه أثوَلا

2. I asked him about his knowledge, as if I had asked,
About the inhabitants of an empty ruin.

٢. ساءَلتُه عَن عِلمِه فكأنَّما
ساءلتُ عن سُكَّانِه رَبعاً خَلا

3. And I was astonished by the filth on his fingertips,
Which no amount of washing could remove.

٣. وعَجِبتُ من وَسَخٍ على أطرافِه
لو أُعمِلَت فيه المباردُ ما انجلُى

4. This writer, despite the people of his country,
And the poet calling for lofty principles.

٤. هذا الأديبُ برُغمِ أهلِ بلادِه
والشاعرُ الداعي إلى سُنَنِ العُلا

5. It is said this old man always eats,
Tough food to remedy his severe troubles.

٥. ويقال إنَّ الشيخَ يأكلُ دائباً
عَضَلاً يُداوي منه خَطباً مُعضِلا

6. If lies were told about him, why did Abdelsalam,
Not omit them, and leave them concealed?

٦. إن كان مكذوبا عليه فلم دعا
عبد السلام ولم تحذف وآطلى