
Contentment unfeigned is a goal never reached

رضا المتجني غاية ليس تدرك

1. Contentment unfeigned is a goal never reached
And in every aspect depravity has a path

١. رضا المُتَجنِّي غايةٌ ليسَ تُدرَكُ
وفي كلِّ وَجهٍ للتجرُّمِ مَسلَكُ

2. If a companion turns away, I leave him be
Judging his nature with excuse - that is best

٢. إذا صاحبٌ عني تَولَّى تَركُته
على طبعِه في العُذرِ فالعُذرُ أملَكُ

3. I associated with you while you were devout
But now my heart finds solace, for you are fickle

٣. وَصَلتُك لمّا كنتَ فيَّ مُوَحَّداً
وَعَزَّيْتُ فيك القلبَ إذ أنتَ مُشرِكُ