
Is wisdom only for the generous servant

هل الحذق إلا لعبد الكريم

1. Is wisdom only for the generous servant
Whose excellence encompasses the new and old?

١. هَلِ الحِذْقُ إلا لعَبْدِ الكَريمِ
حَوى فضلَه حادثاُ عن قديمِ

2. When lightning flashes in his palm
He pours the water of bliss on the face.

٢. إذا لمعَ البرقُ في كَفِّهِ
أفاضَ على الوجهِ ماءَ النَّعيمِ

3. Ignorant of swords, yet he
Goes and returns with the hands of the forbearing.

٣. جَهولُ الحُسامِ ولكنَّه
يَروحُ ويغدو بِكَفَّيْ حَليمِ

4. So much blood has he spilled with it
And so many wounds has he revealed with it,

٤. فكم قد أراق به من دم
وكم قد أبان به من كلوم

5. As if his pots had hatched
Green-bodied birds with long beaks.

٥. كأن قواريره أفرخ
طوال المناقير خضر الجسوم

6. His travel has an ease, its easiness
Passing over the face like a gentle breeze.

٦. له راحَةٌ سَيرُها راحةٌ
تَمُرُّ على الوَجْهِ مَرَّ النَّسيمِ

7. If his ugliness were icier
He would return from beauty pure silk.

٧. فلو كانَ من قُبْحِه أربداً
لعادَ من الحُسنِ صافي الأديمِ

8. We have enjoyed serving him since we grew up
So we are with him in lasting bliss.

٨. نَعِمْنا بخِدمَتِه مُذْ نَشا
فنحنُ به في نَعيمٍ مُقيمِ

9. And how much we have settled with others
So we were with them in painful torment.

٩. وكم قد سكَنَّا إلى غيرِه
فكنَّا بهِ في عّذابٍ أليمِ