
I call you from the rain of benevolence abundantly showered,

ناديك من مطر الإحسان ممطور

1. I call you from the rain of benevolence abundantly showered,
And my hopes in you are immersed in the flood of generosity.

١. ناديكَ من مطرِ الإحسانِ ممطورُ
ومُرتَجيكَ بغَمْرِ الجُودِ مَغمورُ

2. The full moon is a shade spread over you forever,
And the stars are pockets on you forever filled.

٢. والبِيضُ ظِلٌّ عليك الدهرَ منتشرٌ
والنَّقعُ جَيبٌ عليكَ الدهرَ مَزرورُ

3. Polytheism - its curtains have been torn
By the edge of your sword as Islam is spread.

٣. والشِّرْكُ قد هُتِكَتْ أستارُ بَيضَتِه
بحدِّ سيفِكَ والإسلامُ مَنشورُ

4. How many battles for you blazed in their lands?
Fires from which the light of guidance shone.

٤. كم وقعةٍ لك شَبَّتْ في ديارِهِمْ
ناراً وأشرقَ منها في الهُدى نُورُ

5. In fear the palace of the infidels collapsed from an awakening,
While clove surrendered in the palace ambergris.

٥. بنهضةٍ خَرَّ فُسطاطُ الكَفورِ لها
خوفاً وأذعنَ بالفُسطاطِ كافورُ

6. If the beautiful youth complains of an event,
A traitor among them rushed it and was deluded.

٦. إن تَشْتَكِ الحَدَثُ الحَسناءُ حادثةً
سَعى بها حائنٌ منهم ومَغرورُ

7. It was a drunken joy whose sweetness faded,
The crowned one left it drunk.

٧. فإنَّها نَشوةٌ وَلَّتْ عُذوبتُها
وخَرَّ ذو التَّاجِ عنها وهو مخمورُ

8. A king diminishes the bowstring of his enemies
Wherever the fate was tense.

٨. يستنقِصُ الوِتْرَ من أعدائِه مَلِكٌ
عدوُّهُ حيثُ كانَ الدهرَ موتورُ

9. A neighbor sought from it while is there any load?
And the sword is in the hand of the Sword of God prominent.

٩. مجاورٌ وَزَراً منه وهل وَزَرٌ
والسَّيفُ في يد سيفِ الله مشهورُ

10. O you who gives grace to captives, capturing them,
Knowing the freed from favors is imprisoned.

١٠. يا مَنْ يَمُنُّ على الأسرى فيأسِرُهم
عِلْمَاً بأنَّ طليقَ المَنِّ مأسورُ

11. For you the meadows of praise blossoming,
Its flowers in it prose and verse.

١١. ومَنْ لَدَيْهِ رياضُ الحَمدِ مُونِقَةً
فزَهرُها فيه منظومٌ ومنثورُ

12. Whether you rebuild the wall or neglect its construction,
Through you it is inhabited if inhabited.

١٢. إنْ تَعمُرِ السُّورَ أو تُهمِلْ عَمارَتَه
فإنَّه بك ما عُمِّرْتَ مَعمورُ

13. Your place keeps the lion his possession,
If he vacates it a day it is uprooted.

١٣. مَحلُّكَ الغابُ يحمي اللَّيثَ حَوزَتُه
فإن خَلا منه يوماً فهو مَجذُورُ

14. God has walls against days wearing it away,
You without doubt are that wall.

١٤. للهِ سُورٌ على الأيامِ يكلَؤُهُ
وأنتَ لا شكَّ فيه ذلك السُّورُ

15. You protected it with extended spears,
Every fortress but its edges deception.

١٥. حَمَيْتَهُ برماحِ الخَطِّ مُشرَعَةً
وكلُّ حُصْنٍ سوى أطرافِها زُورُ

16. You are the aspirant whom the pulling of iron matters,
And the train of the train dragged.

١٦. أنتَ الهُمامُ الذي مَنْ هَمُّهُ أبداً
جَرُّ الحديدِ وذيلُ النَّقعِ مَجرورُ

17. From a family who subjugated Chosroes and his dynasty,
And the people are oppressed by them and coerced.

١٧. من أُسرةٍ قهَروا كِسرى وأسرتَه
والنَّاسُ مهتَضَمٌ منهم ومقهورُ

18. For them are well-bred and a seat outstretched,
And a settlement in the shades of settlement forbidden.

١٨. لهم من البَرِّ مُصطافٌ ومُرتَبَعٌ
ومَحْضَرٌ في ظِلالِ الحَضْرِ مَحْظورُ

19. No strongholds but each seasoned
Folds the crevices, its supremacy erected.

١٩. ولا معاقلَ إلا كلُّ سابغَةٍ
يطوي الفِجاجَ سَناها وهو منشورُ

20. A planet in the dusk of darkening,
When the bow is drawn taut cheeks and perfect.

٢٠. وكوكبٌ في ذُرى سمراءَ مُغرِبَةٍ
إذا تمادَى القنا نَحرٌ وتَامورُ

21. Your famed horseman of famed traits is pleased
By it the mention, rumors mentioned.

٢١. تَمَلَّ فارسَكَ المذكورَ في شِيَمٍ
بمثلِها الذَّكَرُ الصَّمصامُ مذكورُ

22. His birth, the fulfiller, informs us
That he is victorious, success granted.

٢٢. وافى ومَولِدُهُ المُوفي يخبِّرُنا
بأنَّه ناصرٌ للمجدِ منصورُ

23. The torrent of his father in his dwellings flowed,
So he came hardened iron well-tested.

٢٣. جَرى فِرنْدُ أبيه في مَضاربِهِ
فجاءَ وهو حديدُ الحَدِّ مأثورُ

24. He lived as long as the stars their garments unfold
And withdraw in the light of dawn recluse.

٢٤. فعاشَ ما نَشَرَ الديَّجورُ حُلَّتَه
وما انطوَى بضياءِ الفَجْرِ دَيجورُ

25. Until we see him alone with sword in hand
Jagged and the spearheads bridled.

٢٥. حتى نراه وحَدُّ السَّيفِ في يدِهِ
مُثَلَّمٌ وسِنانُ الرُّمحِ مَأْطُورُ

26. Generosity is manners known of you
And favors are discourse of you transcribed.

٢٦. إنَّ السَّماحَةَ أخلاقٌ عُرِفْتَ بها
والمَكرُماتُ حَديثٌ عنكَ مَسطورُ

27. O son of Abi Alhayja, time does as
You command so it is prohibitive and permitted.

٢٧. والدَّهرُ يا ابْنَ أبي الهيجاءِ يفعلُ ما
أمرْتَه فهو مَنْهِيٌّ ومأمورُ

28. If your might considered the mountain that rose
Its plateaus, the mount from your might would tumble.

٢٨. لو هَمَّ بَأسُكَ بالطَّودِ الذي شَمَخَتْ
هِضابُهُ لَهَوَى من بأسِكَ الطَّورُ