1. Ja'far strayed from his wedding,
And distance delighted them after being close.
١. تَباعَدَ عَنْ عِرْسِه جَعفرُ
فَسرَّهُما البُعدُ بعدَ اقترابِ
2. She yearned for another,
And he lusted for someone else.
٢. وكانت تَصبو إلى غيره
وكانَ إلى غيرِها ذا تَصَابي
3. While they both followed desire,
Wary of each other, watching.
٣. فبَينا هُما يَتْبعانِ الهَوَى
على حَذَرٍ مِنهما وارتقابِ
4. Fate granted him a sudden journey,
Unplanned, unforeseen.
٤. أتاحَ الزمانُ لهُ سَفرةً
مُعجَّلةً لم تَكُنْ في الحِسابِ
5. It enabled her to lead the adulterers,
And enabled him to lead the immoral.
٥. فمكَّنَها من قِيادِ الزُّناةِ
وتُمكِنُه من قِيادِ القِحابِ
6. They missed when they were enabled to part,
That the day of judgement is the day they will meet again.
٦. فوَدَّا وقد وُفِّقَا للفِراقِ
بأنَّ التَّلاقيَ يومَ الحِسابِ