1. Be patient with the succession of misfortunes,
Perhaps that is a herald of recovery.
١. اصبرْ على مترادِفِ الضَّرَّاءِ
فلعلَّ ذلك مُؤذِنٌ بشِفاءِ
2. What is the state of him whom disease toyed with unjustly,
Gnawing at the finest of limbs?
٢. ما حالَ مَنْ لَعِبَ السَّقامُ بجسمِهِ
ظُلْماً فعضَّ نفيسةَ الأعضاءِ
3. The doctor forbade him wholesome food,
And made lawful to him the unpleasantness of all foods.
٣. حَظَرَ الطبيبُ عليه طيبَ غِذائِه
وأباحَه مكروهَ كلِّ غِذاءِ
4. And his enemies visit him, yet more severe than
The sickness of the sick is the visit of enemies.
٤. ويعودُه أعداؤُّه وأشدُّ مِنْ
مَرَضِ المريضِ عيادةُ الأعداءِ