1. If his passion returns after separation
Then he has tears kept in store for his lament
١. إنْ عادَه بعدَ السُّلُوِّ غَرامُه
فَلَه من الدَّمْعِ المَصونِ سِجامُه
2. No blame if the reproacher blames unjustly
Prolonged his youth so his blame prolonged
٢. لا غَرْوَ إنْ غَرِيَ العَذولُ بِلَوْمِه
طَالَتْ صَبابَتُهُ فطالَ مَلامُه
3. Nothing stirs the covenant of longing but grief
It has settled in my heart, its comforts soothed
٣. ما هاجَ عَهْدَ الشَّوقِ إلا مَعْهَدٌ
رامَتْ بقلبي في الهَوى آرامُه
4. And I ransom the one who wounded my warriors
With the glances from under his lids, his arrows
٤. وأَنا الفِداءُ لمَنْ أصابَ مَقاتِلي
باللَّحظِ مِنْ خِلَلِ السُّجوفِ سِهامُه
5. He revealed to us the clear full moon, his beauty
And the features of the fresh, fragrant branch, his body
٥. أبدَى لنا البدرَ المُبينَ جَمالُه
وشَمائِلَ الغُصْنِ الرَّطيبِ قَوامُه
6. Eyes that break from greeting, that if they could
His greeting would heal the sickness, the sorrow
٦. أَسْيَانُ يَكسِرُ للسَّلامِ جُفونَه
ولو استطاعَ شَفَى الغَليلَ سَلامُه
7. Though time may have twisted me, still I take refuge
In patience from when his twistedness overcame me
٧. إنِّي وإن عَرَمَ الزَّمانُ لَعائِذٌ
بالصَّبْرِ ما استولَى عليَّ عُرامُه
8. With shining resolve in the darkness I make my friend
Its judgments flow in the calamity of my will
٨. مُستَصْحِباً عَزْماً مُضيئاً في الدُّجى
تجري بفَاجِعَةِ النَّوى أحكامُه
9. With it I reap fruits of poetry and cull
What can revive my ambitions, their measure
٩. أَجْني بِهِ ثَمَرَ القَريِضِ فأَصْطَفي
منه الذي يُعيي سِوايَ مَرامُه
10. For the reins of the best poems are in my hands
And glory in the prince's grip, its reins
١٠. فزِمامُ أبكارِ القَصائدِ في يَدي
والمجدُ في كَفِّ الأميرِ زِمامُه
11. The full moon of the eminent, when it appears
Is its light and perfection, like the full moon of the sky
١١. بدرُ العَلاءِ إذا بَدا فعَلَيهِ مِنْ
بَدرِ السَّماءِ ضياؤُه وتَمامُه
12. And when he smiles and glances, there appear
Lightning flashes, and his clouds pour forth
١٢. وإذا تَبسَّمَ واستَهَلَّ فَعارِضٌ
لاحَتْ بَوارِقُه وفاضَ غَمامُه
13. My soul in ransom for Ali most high
For his days have ascended with his sublimity
١٣. نَفسي فداءُ عَليٍّ الباني العُلى
فلقَد عَلَتْ بِعُلُوِّهِ أيَّامُه
14. A king befitting praise, overflowing
Like a garden scattering its prose and rhythm
١٤. مَلِكٌ يَليقُ به الثَّناءُ فيغتدي
كالرَّوْضِ يُشرِقُ نَثرُه ونِظامُه
15. He restored beneficence though long its dearth
Green are its plains and thicket, now thriving
١٥. رَدَّ السَّماحَ وقد تقادَمَ عَهدُهُ
مُخضَرَّةً عَرَصاتُه وإكامُه
16. With his hands he built glories higher than high
Above the stars his domes and tents rising
١٦. وبَنَتْ يَداه لِتَغْلبٍ شَرَفاً عَلَتْ
فَوقَ النُّجومِ قِبابُه وخيامُه
17. What virtues can be hoped for in one passionately
In love with glory, endless his ardor?
١٧. أيُّ الفَضائلِ يُرتَجَى إدراكُها
من مُغْرَمٍ بالمجدِ طالَ غَرامُه
18. His help on the day of bounty or his boldness
On the day of valor, or his thrusting ahead?
١٨. أنَوَالُهُ يومَ النَّدى أَمْ بِشْرُهُ
وسَطاهُ يومَ الرَّوْعِ أَمْ إقدامُه
19. He marked time with an event so hostile
His resolve and sword in it equal
١٩. وَسَمَ الزَّمانَ بِوَقْعَةٍ عَدَوِيَّةٍ
سِيَّانِ فيها عَزمُهُ وحُسامُه
20. You clarified the path of nobility so its path
Winds guide, their signs timeless staked
٢٠. أَوضَحْتَ نَهْجَ المَكرُماتِ فَنهْجُها
بادٍ سَناهُ مُنيفَةٌ أعلامُه
21. And you advanced with your might for Islam
With your resolute light its darkness cleared
٢١. ووَصَلْتَ للإسْلامِ بأسَكَ مُقْدِماً
بِضياءِ عَزْمِكَ فاستنارَ ظَلامُه
22. In a stand your swords dyed the ground
With blood of foes, their darkness no more seethed
٢٢. في مَوْقِفٍ صَبَغَتْ سيُوفُكَ أرضَه
بِدَمِ العِداةِ فما يَثورُ قَتامُه
23. Had the wretched coward not fled for refuge
None but his pigeons had from you been saved
٢٣. لو لَم يِعُذْ فيه الدُّمُسْتُقُ هارِباً
عندَ الكَريهَةِ ما عَداهُ حِمامُه
24. Creation desires your life everlasting
As with Spring, lasting desired its features
٢٤. وَدَّ البَريَّةَ أنَّ عُمرَكَ دائمٌ
وكذا الربيعُ يُحَبُّ منه دَوامُه
25. If your hands' generosity were a pouring rain
Its drizzle and downpour would spread everywhere
٢٥. لو أنَّ جُودَ يَدَيْكَ غَيْثٌ وابِلٌ
عَمَّ البِلادَ رَذاذُهُ ورِهامُه
26. So praise beats upon you like a well-trod path
And glory concludes with you its restraints
٢٦. فالحمدُ مَضروبٌ عليك رِواقُه
والمجدُ مَقْضِيٌّ لديكَ ذِمامُه
27. When one places hopes in you, truthful
His dreams, fulfilled his wishes' realm
٢٧. وإذا أناطَ بكَ الرَّجاءَ مُؤَمِّلٌ
صَدَقَتْ مُناه وحُقِّقَتْ أحلامُه
28. The prince restored my way of bounty
And with my return, his favors glistened
٢٨. إن الأميرَ أعادَ لي نَهْجَ الغِنَى
وأعادَ في عُودي النَّدى إنعامُه
29. With his attainment I was clothed in dignity
From those who blame his gifts, clouded
٢٩. وبنَيْلِه أُلْبِسْتُ ثَوْبَ صِيانَةٍ
عَمَّن يَذُمُّ نَوالَه مُعتامُه
30. So I clothed it in brocade of brilliant praise
Beautiful its meanings, compact its expression
٣٠. فكسوتُه دِيباجَ مَدْحٍ مُشْرقٍ
حَسُنَتْ مَعانيهِ وقَلَّ كلامُه