1. Awakened as dawn strides forth,
Night turns to flee its defeat.
١. قد أغتدي والصُّبحُ في إقدامِه
واللَّيلُ قد أعرَضَ لانِهزامِه
2. As rainclouds slip away,
A shepherd rouses his flock with calls.
٢. كأنَّما الجَوْزاءُ في انصِرامِه
راعي سَوامٍ بَثَّ من سَوامِه
3. Or a dreamer shaken from slumber
By a muzzled steed restless in its stall,
٣. أو مُتَمَطٍّ هَبَّ من منامِه
بمُلجَمٍ قد باتَ في لِجامِه
4. Hearing its rider mounting guard,
Till the lamp gutters low on oil.
٤. مُصْغٍ إلى الفارسِ في قِيامِه
حتى خَبا المصباحُ من مُدامِه
5. Slowing the pour of bowl and cup,
Inspired to obedience and faith,
٥. وقَلَّ سَيرُ كأسِه وجامِه
قد أُلهِمَ الطَّاعةَ في إلهامِه
6. Shucking up sleeves for the task ahead,
A young man matures to lead his clan,
٦. ومُخطَفٍ شَمَّرَ عن أكمامِه
مُحتَلِمٍ قد سادَ بابنِ عامِه
7. The moon hides its face in the shadows,
Honored above his peers in virtue,
٧. يَكتَنُّ بَدْرُ الأُفْقِ في لِثامِه
يُجنَبُ مَغبوطاً على إكرامِه
8. Gleaming with joy in his smile,
Tempered in his youth for the years to come,
٨. مُبَجَّلاً دونَ بني أعمامِه
أَهرَتَ كالمُغرقِ في ابتسامِه
9. Shielded from blame and scorn.
So he came, cured of all sickness,
٩. ضَمَّرَه في مُبتَدى أعوامِه
وصانَه عن عابِه وذامِه
10. Sparing you the burning embers of his ire,
His glances betray his noble soul,
١٠. فجاء كالمُفرِقِ من سَقامِه
يَطرفُ عَنْكَ الجَمْرَ في ضِرامِه
11. Restless as his charger strains at its tether,
As if startled out of pleasant dreams,
١١. ألحاظُه تُخْبِرُ عن عُرامِه
يَشُبُّ ما حُرِّكَ من زِمامِه
12. Till he slakes his thirst for battle,
Destiny rages in its fury,
١٢. كأنَّما رُوِّعَ في أحلامِه
حتى إذا ما افترَّ عن حُسامِه
13. He summons his men to fulfil their duties,
Achieving the peace for which he aimed.
١٣. واحتدَمَ المِقدارُ في احتدامِه
واستنزلَ السِّربَ على أحكامِه
14. What is granted us is by his grace,
What's denied us, in his hands,
١٤. أحرزَ ما رُمناه من آرامِه
فما رُزِقْناه فَمِنْ إنعامِه
15. Until the bitter taste the sweetness of his bounty.
١٥. وما حُرِمْناه ففي ذِمامِه
حتى يذوقَ المُرَّ من حِمامِه