
I will make the strongest case for the salty one

سأحتج للملحي أقوم حجة

1. I will make the strongest case for the salty one
Even if my poetry is wounded by rawness

١. سأحتجُّ للمِلحيِّ أَقْوَمَ حُجَّةٍ
وإن كانَ شِعْري من ظُباهُ جَريحا

2. They say he is from Al-Qusayr, maybe the vulva of his mother
Has made him well, and he went off healthy

٢. يقولونَ قُفْصيٌّ عَسا بَظرُ أمِّهِ
وسالَمَه المُوسى فراحَ صَحيحا

3. It did not harm him to kiss the vulva on its face
If his tongue is eloquent and articulate

٣. وما ضَرَّه أن صافحَ البَظْرْ وَجْهَهُ
إذا كان مختونَ اللسانِ فَصيحا