
A garden the rain has clothed when its land was generous

وروض كساه الغيث إذ جاد أرضه

1. A garden the rain has clothed when its land was generous
Corpses of withered plants from blossoms and fragrance strewed

١. ورَوْضٍ كَساهُ الغَيثُ إذ جادَ أرضَه
مَجاسِدَ وَشْيٍ من بهارٍ ومَنثورِ

2. In it white roses smile as though
They grinned at the walker with musk and camphor imbued

٢. به أبيضُ الوردِ الجَنيِّ كأنَّما
تَبسَّمَ للناشي بمِسكٍ وكافورِ

3. As if a yellowness on it above its whiteness
A lampshade of amber in vessels of pearl

٣. كأنَّ اصفراراً منه فوقَ ابيضاضِهِ
بُرادةُ تِبرٍ في مَداهنِ بَلُّورِ