1. He turned away in seclusion, after being sociable,
And shortened in the path of time, so it shortened.
١. وَنَى في التَّصابي بعدَما كان شمَّرا
وقَصَّرَ في شأوِ الزَّمانِ فأقصرَا
2. The night of his youth grew light with the color of dawn,
So he shone, clad in both his garments.
٢. وشابَ بلونِ الصُّبحِ ليلُ شَبابِه
فأصبحَ شتَّى الحُلَّتَيْنِ مُشَهَّرا
3. No longer is borrowed finery returned as customary,
And the prime of youth came first, and the old came last.
٣. ولا عادَ رَدُّ المُستَعارِ مُسلَّماً
وَقُدَّمَ رَيعانُ الصَّبا وتأخَّرا
4. So nothing remained but joy between its cups,
Conversing, like a garden in bloom, then flowering.
٤. فلم يبقَ إلاّ الرَّاحُ بينَ كُؤوسِها
مُذاكَرَةٌ كالرَّوْضِ جِيدَ فأَزهَرا
5. Conversations - if the morning breeze were to pass through them,
It would be perfumed by their breaths and scented.
٥. أحاديثُ لو يجتازُها نَفَسُ الصَّبا
تأَرَّجَ من أنفاسِها وتعطَّرا
6. A cupbearer who sings beautifully in her singing,
And sometimes smiles beautifully in appearance.
٦. وساقيةٌ تَشدو فتُحسِنُ شَدوَها
وتَبسِمُ أحياناً فتَحسُنُ مَنظَرا
7. I abandoned the remorseful when I tested their morals,
And regretted Chosroes in glass and Caesar in images.
٧. هجرتُ النُّدامى إذ بلوْتْ خِلالَهم
ونادَمْتُ كِسرى في الزُّجاجِ وقَيصرَا
8. I strip them both sometimes, and other times I see them
Dragging their polished litters, red.
٨. أُعرِّيهما طَوراً وطَوراً أراهُما
يَجُرَّانِ مصقولَ البنائقِ أحمرا
9. If they were not two precious gems, both of them,
Exquisite, no sprinkling would trickle from the cup of essence.
٩. فلو لم يكونا جَوْهَرَيْنِ كِلاهُما
نَفيسَينِ ما حَلاَّ من الكاسِ جَوهرا
10. And the yearning of Ibn Qayna’s son aroused from my bosom,
When fingers provoked it to growl.
١٠. وهيَّجَ من وَجدي حنينُ ابنِ قينةٍ
إذا استَنطَقَتْه بالأناملِ زمجرَا
11. Light, if housed in a gilded,
Engraved object, you would be pleased with its sight and tale.
١١. خَفيفٍ إذا لا قاكَ في ذَهَبيَّةٍ
مزَّنرةٍ أرضاكَ مَرْأىً ومَخبَرا
12. The makers of heart and hand saw it whenever
Its ingenious meaning was hard to unravel.
١٢. بَراهُ صِناعُ القَلبِ والكَفِّ كلما
تَعذَّرَ مَعناه البديعُ تفكَّرا
13. And the silk wrapper gathered it, shedding its body
On its body - sweet, high-quality musk and ambergris.
١٣. وضَمَّتْهُ رَيَّا المِرْطِ ينفُضُ جِسمُها
على جِسْمِه مِسْكاً ذكيّاً وعَنبرا
14. It led the hearts to drink when it moaned languorously,
And pleased the eyes of the white, when it flowed gently.
١٤. فساقَ قلوبَ الشَّرْبِ إذ حنَّ غُلَّبا
وراقَ عيونَ البيضِ حينَ توقَّرا
15. I will send my praise invading with the cavalry of the master,
If praise invades it, it will return victorious.
١٥. سأبَعثُ حَمْدي غازياً وَفْرَ سيِّدٍ
إذا ما غزاه الحمدُ عاد مظفَّرا
16. It is as if my praise of its beauty is a pasture
On which the beauty of the striders smiled and gleamed.
١٦. كأنَّ ثَنَائي غِبَّ جَدواه مَرتَعٌ
تبسَّمَ غِبَّ السَّارياتِ ونَوَّرا
17. Ancient over the days, if a group is counted,
The new glories with ‘Aad and Himyar.
١٧. قديمٌ على الأيَّامِ إنْ عُدَّ مَعْشَرٌ
حديثُ المعالي عند عادٍ وحِمْيرَا
18. Poetry came easily to me concerning Ahmad, willingly,
And if I had cast it towards another, it would have been difficult.
١٨. تسهَّلَ لي في أحمدَ الشِّعرُ طائعاً
ولو رُمْتُه في غيرِه لتعذَّرا
19. I prolonged, and did not hurry, describing its merits,
So I was happy, prolonging the praise, and shortening.
١٩. أطلْتُ وما اتسغرقتُ وصفَ خِلالِه
فرحتُ مُطيلاً في الثَّناءِ مُقَصِّرا
20. Ahmad! I am among a people who have
Renounced decency, until we considered it forbidden.
٢٠. أأحمدُ إني بينَ قومً تبرَّؤُوا
من العُرْفِ حتَّى قد حَسِبناهُ مُنكَرا
21. Whenever they came down, I saw an encampment for ignorance,
And if they departed, I saw an army for stinginess.
٢١. إذا نزَلوا أبصرتُ للجهلِ نادياً
وإن رَحَلوا أبصرتُ للبُخلِ عسكَرا
22. I say, and I have seen them, countless as pebbles,
I missed you, a generation, however small or great.
٢٢. أقولُ وقد عاينتُهم عَدَدَ الحَصى
عَدِمْتُكَ جيلاً ما أقلَّ وأكثرَا
23. It is as if you among them are a lamp in the darkness,
When the ugly of color gloomed, yellow.
٢٣. كأنَّكَ فيهمِ شارقٌ في دِجنَّةٍ
إذا أغبشَتْ مُربَدَّةُ اللَّونِ أسفَرا
24. The wonderful rhymes came to you seeking something,
Your reward is to be rewarded and thanked.
٢٤. أتتْكَ القوافي الغُرُّ تطلُبُ حاجةً
جزاؤُكَ فيها أن تُثابَ وتُشكَرا
25. Wonders! If they called in the abode to match,
It would answer, even if they invoked a boulder, it would gush.
٢٥. غرائبُ لو نادَيْنَ في المَحْلِ عارضاً
أجابَ ولو ناشدْنَ صخراً تَفجَّرا
26. I turned from the reprehensible censurers in their garb,
And dressed you in the commendable sword, causer of light.
٢٦. عَدَلْتُ عن النابي الكَهامِ بِحَلْيِها
وألبسْتُه منك الحُسامَ المُذكَّرا
27. So do not disappoint the favored poetry, returning it denied
By your refusal and the saffron garment.
٢٧. فلا تَردُدِ العِقْدَ المُفَضَّلَ خائباً
بصدِّكَ عنه والرِّداءَ المُحبَّرا