1. O house of Joseph, no greetings to your ruins
Between columns and doors once sublime
١. يا دارَ يُوسُفَ لا عَدَتْكِ تَحيَّةٌ
للمُزْنِ بينَ رَواعِدٍ وبَوارِقِ
2. Your laughing windows smile at me still
Like a lover's smile to his ardent love
٢. غَرَّاءُ ضَاحِكَةٌ إليكِ ثُغورُها
ضَحِكَ الحبيبِ إلى المُحِبِّ الوامقِ
3. To water those inhabited mansions
Among courtyards, chambers and portals alike
٣. سَقْياً لتلكَ مَنازِلاً مَعْمورَةً
من بينِ مطروقِ الفِناءِ وطَارقِ
4. The red bases and domes as though they were
Given to drink the sweet draught of dawn
٤. حُمْرَ القَواعدِ والقِبابِ كأنَّما
أُشْرِبْنَ رَقْراقَ الخَلوقِ الرَّائقِ
5. You are met with shifting clouds and rays
Between the slopes of hills and towering peaks
٥. يَلقاكَ من نُوَّارِها وغُيومِها
ما بينَ دُكْنِ مَطارفٍ ونمارقِ
6. The white temple shines amidst it all
Like a daisy in a meadow’s green and gold
٦. والهَيْكَلُ المُبيَضُّ يَلمَعُ وَسْطَها
كالأُقحُوانَةِ في بِساطِ شَقائقِ
7. How many a mute doll lies within
Outspoken by the tongues of the articulate
٧. كم دُمْيَةٍ خَرساءَ فيه ودُمْيَةٍ
فَضَلَتْ عليها باللَّسانِ النَّاطقِ
8. On each disheveled head, his crown of hair
As though it were the rising sun’s first light
٨. من كُلِّ أَهْيَفَ تَاجُهُ من شَعرِه
فكأنَّما هو شارِقٌ من غاسقِ
9. And tousled locks - if I could but command
I'd replace their shaggy darkness with sheen
٩. ومُهَفهَفٍ لو كنتُ أَملِكُ أمرَه
بدَّلْتُ سُحْمَ مُسوحِه بقَراطقِ
10. How many wishes have I cast unto it
Between the lofty grace and the loftiest grace
١٠. كم قد رَمَقْتُ به المُنى فغَشِيتُها
ما بين مَرموقِ الجَمالِ ورامقِ
11. And disheveled tresses the dawn took in its right hand
And let flow like the carefree clouds Eastward bound
١١. ومُعَذَّلٍ أخذَ الصِّبا بيمينِه
فجَرى به جَرْيَ الجَموحِ السابقِ
12. I have slept amidst its deer and wolves
Between the stolen tryst and the thief of hearts
١٢. وَرَقَدْتُ عن غِزلانِه وذِئابِهِ
ما بينَ مَسروقِ الوِصالِ وسارقِ
13. Days when if its darkness saddened me
My imagination sent a ray to brighten it
١٣. أيامَ كنتُ إذا ادلَهَمَّ ظَلامُه
أهدَى إليه من الخَيالِ الطَّارقِ
14. At times I donned its shadows and it was as though
In the darkness of days, the crescent moon of a new dawn
١٤. عَصراً لَبِستُ ظِلالَه وكأنَّه
في ظُلمَةِ الأيَّامِ غُرَّةُ شَارِقِ