1. As if our passion's flare
Were light condensed from yellow flowers
١. كأنَّ تأجُّجَ كانونِنا
تَكاثُفُ نَوْرٍ من العُصْفُرِ
2. And its extinguishing has given rise
To glowing red embers
٢. وأحدثَ إخمادُه زُرْقةً
تَأجَّجُ في مُدمَجٍ أحمَرِ
3. Like remnants of firebrands
On their iron grates still glowing
٣. كَبِركَةِ جَمْرٍ على صَاجِها
بقايا تَفَتُّحِ لَينُوفَرِ