
The effects of your generosity in hardships have an impact

آثار جودك في الخطوب تؤثر

1. The effects of your generosity in hardships have an impact
And your good tidings of success bring gladness

١. آثارُ جودِكَ في الخُطوبِ تُؤَثِّرُ
وجميلُ بِشْرِكَ بالنَّجاحِ يُبَشِّرُ

2. Your beginning was an act of hostility
That warned against time-honored generosity and informed

٢. كانَ ابتداؤُكَ شيمَةً عَدَوِيَّةً
تُنبي عن الكَرَمِ التَّليدِ وتُخبِرُ

3. An act the kings have heard of its virtue
And generosity is heard of while acts are publicized

٣. وصنيعةً سَمِعَ الملوكُ بِفَضلِها
والجودُ يُسمَعُ والصنَّائعُ تُشهِرُ

4. So why did abstinence restrain my hands
And the heavens of your palm rain down gifts

٤. فعلامَ كفَّ المنعُ منك أناملي
وَسَمَاءُ كفِّكَ بالمواهبِ تُمطِرُ

5. I have the habit each month of gaining from your bestowal
Nights have passed and months while it continues

٥. لي من نَوالِكَ كلَّ شَهرٍ عادةٌ
مضَتِ الليالي دونَها والأشهرُ

6. So extend with it a far reaching hand
That the scope of hardship in it would narrow and shorten

٦. فابسُطْ بها باعاً يطولُ إلى النَّدى
فيَضيقُ باعُ الخَطبِ فيه ويَقصُرُ

7. If I ever thought I had hope other than you
I would be ungrateful for your blessings that have no equal

٧. إن كانَ لي أملٌ سِواكَ أَعُدُّهُ
فكفَرْتُ أنعُمَك التي لا تُكفَرُ