1. Rebuking me that I prolonged the wailing,
And poured for separation a copious tear,
١. يُعنِّفُني أنْ أطَلْتُ النَّحيبَا
وأسكُبُ للبَيْنِ دمعاً سَكوبا
2. And the nearest of lovers from his love,
A lover who wept when separated from a beloved.
٢. وَأَدْنَى المُحبِّين مِنْ نحبِه
مُحِبٌّ بكى يومَ بَيْن حَبيبا
3. His tear invited hers and her tear invited his,
So their garments were drenched from them.
٣. دعا دمعَه ودعَتْ دمعَها
فبَّللَ منها ومنه الجُيوبا
4. A maiden who cast him with the arrow of her glances,
And extended to him rosy fingers.
٤. فتاةٌ رمتْه بِسَهْمِ الجفونِ
ومدَّت إليه بَناناً خَضيبا
5. So he saw in them a delicate gazelle,
And a shining full moon and a delicate branch.
٥. فعاينَ منهم غزالاً رَبيباً
وبَدراً مُنيراً وغُصْناً رَطيبا
6. And my covenant with her is not to prolong estrangement,
Nor to commit sins against me.
٦. وعَهْدي بها لا تُديمُ الصدودَ
ولا تتجَّنى عليَّ الذُّنوبا
7. Nights when we secretly meet,
In fear we watch for the watcher.
٧. لياليَ لا وَصلُنا خِلسةً
نراقبُ للخوفِ فيها الرَّقيبا
8. And for our beings no lightning has a crevice,
When we call for union of hearts.
٨. ولا برقُ لذَّاتِنا خُلَّبٌ
إذا ما دعَونا لوصلٍ قُلوبا
9. And how much between me and separation are stops
That kill hearts with a glance of the eyes.
٩. وكم لي وللبَيْنِ من مَوقفٍ
يُميتُ بِلَحْظِ العيونِ القُلوبا
10. When the glance unsheathed its swords,
I armored myself with cool patience.
١٠. إذا شَهَرَ اللَّحْظُ أسيافَهُ
تدرَّعْتُ للصِّبرِ بُرداً قَشيبا
11. As if I in its confusion am the son of Fahd,
When the day dawned as a difficult day.
١١. كأنِّيَ في هَبْوَتَيْه ابنُ فَهْدٍ
إذا اليومُ أصبحَ يوماً عَصيبا
12. A young man who undertakes abundant rewards,
Forgiving to who came to him seeking reward.
١٢. فَتىً يَستَقِلُّ جَزيلَ الثَّوابِ
سَماحاً لمن جاءه مُستَثيبا
13. And raises him on the ways of noble deeds,
So he shows through them strange glory.
١٣. ويُربي على سُنَنِ المكرُماتِ
فيُظْهِرُ فيهنَّ مجداً غَريبا
14. And you meet him smiling and joyous, when
Misfortunes show severity.
١٤. وتَلقاه مبتسماً واضحاً إذا
ما الحوادثُ أبدَتْ قُطوبا
15. A generous man, if the seeker of benevolence is disappointed,
His noble deeds forbid us to disappoint.
١٥. كريمٌ إذا خابَ راجي النَّدى
حَمَتْنا مكارمُه أن نَخيبا
16. His glance saw what hardens breasts,
So we left him knowing the secrets.
١٦. رأى لحظُه ما تُجِنُّ الصُّدورُ
فخِلناه يعلمُ منها الغُيوبا
17. Distant, when you seek to attain him,
And yet in generosity near, close.
١٧. بعيدٌ إذا رُمْتَ إدراكَهُ
وإن كانَ في الجُودِ سهلاً قريبا
18. The hunting of kings raised him from Al-Azd,
And he continued to raise the noble from the noble.
١٨. نَمَتْهُ من الأزدِ صِيدُ المُلوكِ
وما زال يَنْمِي النَّجيب ُالنَّجيبا
19. You are safeguarded by the preservation of noble deeds,
And you continue to extend a vast palm.
١٩. سَلِمتَ سلامَةُ للمَكْرُماتِ
وما زِلْتَ تَبسُطُ باعاً رَحيبا
20. The merchants of praise flock to you
Chaste virgins who please you in beauty and fragrance.
٢٠. تَزُفُّ إليك تِجارُ المديحِ
عَذارى تَروقُكَ حُسْناً وطِيبا
21. So you have many clouds like perfume
That obtained from praise a southern wind.
٢١. فكمْ لك من سُؤدُدٍ كالعبيرِ
أصابَ من المدحِ ريحاً جَنوبا
22. And an opinion that reveals for the darkness of calamities
A light when calamities exhaust the perceptive.
٢٢. ورأيٍ يُكشِّفُ ليلَ الخٌطوبِ
ضياءً إذا الخَطْبُ أعيا اللَّبيبا
23. And a defender with the swords of resolve
Who defeated the youth of war with awesome might.
٢٣. ومُشتمِلٍ بنِجادِ الحُسامِ
يَفُلُّ شبا الحربِ بأساً مَهيبا
24. You filled his essence with awe,
So he bowed while the heart showed its folds.
٢٤. ملأتَ جوانِحَه رَهبةً
فأطرقَ والقلبُ يُبدي وَجيبا
25. You clothed noble deeds in the garb of youth,
When they were dressed in old age among us.
٢٥. كسوْتَ المكارمَ ثوبَ الشَّبابِ
وقد كُنَّ ألبِسْنَ فينا المَشيبا
26. Taxes you originated in generosity,
So we do not see for you in them an opponent.
٢٦. ضرائبُ أبدَعْتَها في السَّماحٍ
فَلسْنا نرى لك فيها ضَريبا
27. You delivered me from the hand of disasters,
And settled me in a fertile quarter from you.
٢٧. تَخلَّصْتَني من يَدِ النَّائباتِ
وأحلَلْتَني منك رَبعاً خَصيبا
28. And you empowered my praise as you empowered
The Hashemites with their sharp swords.
٢٨. ومُلِّكْتَ مَدحي كما مُلِّكَتْ
بنو هاشمٍ بُرْدَها والقَضيبا
29. And how can I, frequenter of the sea of poetry,
When praisers frequent arid terrain.
٢٩. وأنَّي لواردِ بحرِ القريضِ
إذا وردَ المادحون القَليبا
30. I am not like one who takes back praise
When the generous man rewards the rewarding one.
٣٠. ولسْتُ كمَنْ يَستردُّ المديحَ
إذا ما كساه الكريمَ المُثِيبا
31. Adorning another with his praise,
So he sleeps adorned and wakes plundered.
٣١. يُحلِّي بمَدْحَتِه غيرَه
فيُمْسي محلّىً ويُضحي سَليبا