
O son of Hassaan, though people are of different kinds

يا ابن حسان والأنام ضروب

1. O son of Hassaan, though people are of different kinds
When you recite their tales and categories

١. يا ابْنَ حَسَّانَ والأنامُ ضُروبٌ
حينَ تَتلو أخبارَهم وصُنوفُ

2. I was deceived about you by an onlooker, talkative
Of graceful figure and ewer-bearing attendant

٢. غَرَّني منك ناظِرٌ يُكثرُ الإط
راقَ سَمتاً وشارِبٌ مَحفوفُ

3. You disclosed yourself, so the fault that you used to
Hide became apparent and uncovered

٣. وتَكَشَّفْتَ فالعَوارُ الذي ما
زِلْتَ تُخفيهِ ظاهِرٌ مَكشوفُ

4. Passionate for dervishes, showing anger
And pleasure when he was enraged, trivial

٤. مُولَعٌ بالقُطوبِ يُظْهِرُ سُخْطاً
ورِضاه إذا استشاطَ طَفيفُ

5. I used to blame coquetry, and I did not know
That coquetry is a gentle, sly bird

٥. كنتُ أُبقي على العَذولِ وما أد
ري بأنَّ العَذولَ طُرّاً لَفيفُ